Page 6 - The Flying Publisher Guide to Hepatitis C Treatment
P. 6

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                                                      Contributing Authors

                                   Simona Ruta                    Speranṭa Iacob
                                   Carol Davila University of     Gastroenterology and
                                   Medicine and Pharmacy          Hepatology
                                   St. S. Nicolau Institute of    Fundeni Clinical Institute
                                   Virology                       258, sos. Fundeni
                                   285, sos. Mihai Bravu          22328, Bucharest, Romania
                                   030304, Bucharest, Romania
                                                                  Irinel Popescu
                                   Costin Cernescu                Center of Digestive Diseases
                                   St. S. Nicolau Institute of    and Liver Transplantation
                                   Virology                       Fundeni Clinical Institute
                                   285, sos. Mihai Bravu          258, sos. Fundeni
                                   030304, Bucharest, Romania     22328, Bucharest, Romania

                                   Liana Gheorghe                 Richard Sebastian Wanless
                                   Gastroenterology and           Baylor International Pediatric
                                   Hepatology                     AIDS Initiative
                                   Carol Davila University of     6621 Fannin Street, MC-A1150
                                   Medicine and Pharmacy          77030 Houston, Texas, USA
                                   Fundeni Clinical Institute     Baylor Black Sea Foundation,
                                   258, sos. Fundeni              Constanta, Romania
                                   22328, Bucharest, Romania
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