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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  70

             proteins, but is first of all converted into reactive nitro-  active site. This oxidized Trx is then reduced by NADPH
             gen species (RNS) that are then responsible for carrying  through the activity of the seleno-flavoprotein TrxR.
             out the nitrosylation reaction. These nitrosylation reac-  The other mechanism depends on S-nitrosoglutathione
             tions are reversed by denitrosylation reactions.Manyof  reductase (GSNOR), which is also known as GSH-
             the functions of NO are carried out by this nitrosylation-  dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase and Class III al-
             sensitive signalling pathway and there is growing evidence  cohol dehydrogenase (ADH3). The GSNOR metabolizes
             for nitrosylation dysfunction in disease.        the GSNO, which is one of the reactive nitrogen spe-
                                                              cies (RNS), which is produced through two mechanisms.
             Reactive nitrogen species (RNS)                  It is formed when NO interacts with GSH and is also
             The reactive nitrogen species (RNS) that carry out the  released following the denitrosylation of target proteins
             nitrosylation reaction are formed when NO interacts  (Module 2: Figure NO and cGMP signalling). The GS-
                                                        −• ),  NOR uses NADH as an electron donor to irreversibly
             with various acceptors such as superoxide radical (O 2
             cysteine (Cys), glutathione (GSH) or transition metal ions  convert GSNO into GSNHOH. In the absence of GS-
             (M n + , e.g. Fe 3 +  or Cu 2 +  )(Module 2: Figure NO and  NOR, the level of GSNO increases as does the amount
             cGMP signalling):                                of S-nitrosylated proteins, which suggest that these SNO
                                                              proteins might be in equilibrium with GSNO and this
                         −  → ONOO (peroxynitrite)
             1. NO + O 2
                                                              might account for the fact that certain cellular proteins
             2. NO + M  n +  → Mn n +  -NO
                                                              seem to by constitutively nitrosylated.
             3. NO + GSH → GS-NO
             4. NO + Cys → Cys-NO
                                                              Redox signalling
                                                −•  forms the  Cells have evolved a sophisticated mechanism of intracel-
               The interaction between NO and O 2
             strong oxidant peroxynitrite (ONOO ), which is very  lular signalling based on localized changes in the oxidation
             much more reactive than the two parent molecules. It can  state of specific proteins. The internal environment of cells
             react with electron-rich groups such as protein sulfhy-  is normally highly reduced. Certain forms of stress are as-
             dryls as part of the nitrosylation reaction to form the S-  sociated with an increase in the oxidative state, and this
             nitrosothiols (SNOs). Although peroxynitrite has a brief  can induce apoptosis. It is also well known that certain
             half-life (approx. 15 ms), it exists for long enough to dif-  phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils, can rapidly generate
             fuse through a cell and perhaps also to neighbouring cells  superoxide radical (O 2  −• ) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 )
             enabling it to function as an intra- and inter-cellular mes-  that are used to kill other cells during inflammatory re-
             senger.                                          sponses. In addition to these pathological effects, there is
               Low molecular mass thiols, such as glutathione (GSH),  increasing evidence that the redox system has been adapted
             can also be nitrosylated by NO to form GS-NO.    to perform a variety of signalling functions and can mod-
                                                              ulate the activity of other signalling pathways. As such,
             Nitrosylation reaction                           they can control many cellular processes, including cell
             The S-nitrosylation reaction depends upon the transfer of  proliferation, apoptosis and cellular senescence.Someof
             NO from one of the reactive nitrogen species (RNS) to  these effects are exerted through a two-way interaction
             a peptidyl cysteine thiol group of target proteins (R-SH)  with Ca 2 +  signalling. For example, redox signalling can
             (Module 2: Figure NO and cGMP signalling):       help to promote the tyrosine phosphorylation events that
                                                              generate many signalling cascades and it can modulate the
             1. R-SH + ONOO → R-SNO
                                                              activity of the ryanodine receptors (RYRs) and inositol
             2. R-SH + M n + -NO → R-SNO
                                                              1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP 3 Rs) that release Ca 2 +  .
             3. R-SH + GS-NO → R-SNO
                                                              Conversely, Ca 2 +  can stimulate redox signalling, particu-
             4. R-SH + Cys-NO → R-SNO
                                                              larly within the mitochondrion, indicating that there are
               Specificity is determined by the fact that the target pro-  dynamic interactions operating between these signalling
             teins (R-SH) have hyperreactive cysteine groups where the  pathways.
             thiol moiety exists as a thiolate anion due to the presence  There are two main types of redox signalling. The first
             of positively charged amino acids in the immediate vicinity  type is reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling,which
             of the protein chain.                            depends on the formation of ROS. The second type is
                                                              reactive nitrogen species (RNS) signalling, which is carried
             Denitrosylation reactions                        out by RNS and is linked to the nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic
             Denitrosylation is carried out by two main denitrosylases  GMP signalling pathway.
             (Module 2: Figure NO and cGMP signalling). One mech-
             anism depends on the oxidoreductase thioredoxin (Trx)  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling
             operating in concert with Trx reductase (TrxR).Inits re-  ROS signalling has all the hallmarks of a classical signalling
             duced state, the two cysteine residues in the highly con-  mechanism. The second messengers are the reactive oxy-
             served -Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys- active site are reduced and the  gen species (ROS) formed in response to many agonists.
             hydrogens are used to release the NO as HNO and to  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation depends on the
             convert the SNO group on the target protein into an SH  stimulation of a NADPH oxidase that removes an electron
             group. During this denitrosylation reaction, a disulphide  from NADPH and adds it to oxygen to create superoxide
             bond is formed between the vicinal cysteine residues at the  radical (O 2  −• ), which is one of the ROS found in cells.

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