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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  56

             Module 2: Figure PKC structure and activation

                                     DAG     Ca 2+    ATP      PDK1
                                 PS                        P        P P    Conventional (cPKC)
                                   C1A C1B   C2       C3       C4          (
                                        PS                 P        P P
                                                                           Novel (nPKC)
                               C2-like    C1A C1B     C3       C4
                                           PS              P        P
                                               C1     C3        C4         Atypical (aPKC)
                                                                               Plasma membrane
                                             DAG                            C1
                         PtdIns4,5P                       Translocation
                                2                                             C 2 C4
                                          3                                  P   P
                                                C2  P           C 2 C4
                                    2+           C4            P   P                       P
                                  Ca            C1  P  P  PS   P
                                                                          Substrate    Substrate

             Structure of PKC isoforms and activation mechanism of the conventional protein kinase C (cPKC) isoforms.
             The nine genes that code for protein kinase C (PKC) fall into three families. Conventional PKCs (cPKCs) have a domain structure that has an N-terminal
             pseudosubstrate (PS) domain followed by regulatory domains (C1 and C2), which are responsible for binding the diacylglycerol (DAG) and Ca 2 +
             responsible for membrane targeting, an ATP-binding C3 domain and the C4 catalytic domain. The C1 region is present as a tandem repeat (C1A
             and C1B). The PS domain has an autoinhibitory function in that it associates with the catalytic site on C4, thus preventing it from phosphorylating its
             substrates. Novel PKCs (nPKCs) have a similar domain structure, except that they have a C2-like domain that does not bind Ca 2 + . Atypical (aPKCs)
             also lack a C2 domain, and the C1 domain is small and fails to bind DAG. The illustration at the bottom indicates how cPKC is activated, as described
             in the text.

             Phosphoinositide lipid signalling molecules      PtdIns4,5P 2 signalling cassette
             Some of the phosphoinositides derived from the metabol-  The phosphoinositide PtdIns4,5P 2 is widely distributed
             ism of PtdIns (Module 2: Figure phosphoinositide meta-  throughout the cell. Not only is it found in the plasma
             bolism) have important signalling functions that are of-  membrane, but also it occurs in the Golgi, endosomes,
             ten located in specific cellular membranes (Module 2: Fig-  endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and within dense structures
             ure localized inositol lipid signalling). One of the most  within the nucleus. This lipid has two main roles. Firstly, it
             versatile systems is the PtdIns4,5P 2 signalling cassette.  is hydrolysed to form InsP 3 and diacylglycerol (DAG) or it
             PtdIns4,5P 2 is the precursor used to generate second mes-  can be phosphorylated further to form the lipid messenger
             sengers such as InsP 3 , DAG and PtdIns3,4,5P 3 . The latter  PtdIns3,4,5P 3 (Module 2: Figure localized inositol lipid
             is a particularly important messenger because the forma-  signalling). Secondly, PtdIns4,5P 2 can also function as a
             tion of PtdIns3,4,5P 3 drives the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling  lipid messenger (Module 2: Figure PtdIns4,5P 2 signalling).
             system that controls a great variety of cellular processes  Such a signalling role is supported by the observation that
             (Module 2: Figure PtdIns 3-kinase signalling). In addition,  cell stimulation can result in highly localized increases in
             PtdIns4,5P 2 is a messenger in its own right in that local-  PtdIns4,5P 2 . The localized formation of this lipid messen-
             ized formation of this lipid can control endocytosis, actin  ger can be activated by the monomeric G proteins and in
             remodelling, ion channels and phagocytosis (Module 2:  particular the family of Rho proteins. For example, Rac
             Figure localized inositol lipid signalling).     and Rho can function to target PtdIns4P 5-kinase I to the
               There is increasing evidence that some of the other  plasma membrane. In addition, Rho-GTP can activate this
             lipids may also play signalling roles as described in  kinase directly to form PtdIns4,5P 2 (Module 2: Figure Rho
             the PtdIns3P signalling cassette,the PtdIns4P sig-  signalling).
             nalling cassette,the PtdIns5P signalling cassette and the  There is increasing evidence that a variety of cellular
             PtdIns3,5P 2 signalling cassette.Inthe caseofthe lat-  processes are activated in response to a change in the level
             ter, the PtdIns3,5P 2 in the late endosome activates the  of this lipid:
             TRPML1 channels to produce the Ca 2 +  signals neces-
             sary to trigger the membrane fusion events that form the
             lysosomes.                                       • PtdIns4,5P 2 regulation of actin remodelling

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