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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  52

             4. DAG is phosphorylated by the Ca 2 + -sensitive enzyme  Phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ)
               DAG kinase to form phosphatidic acid (PA) or it is hy-  The PLCβ isoforms are mainly activated by Gprotein-
               drolysed by DAG lipase to form monoacylglycerols  coupled receptors (GPCRs).PLCβ1and PLCβ3 are fairly
               (MAGs) such as 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG), which  ubiquitous, whereas PLCβ2and PLCβ4 have more lim-
               is one of the endocannabinoids. The 2-AG is hydro-  ited tissue distributions.
               lysed by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) to glycerol
               and arachidonic acid.
             5. PA is transferred from the plasma membrane to the ER  PLCβ isoform distribution and function
               where it interacts with CTP to form CDP/DAG by a  PLCβ1 is highly concentrated in brain (pyramidal cells of
               CDP/DAG synthetase. The inositol, which can be pro-  hippocampus, Purkinje cells and granule cells). The knock-
               duced through three mechanisms (de novo synthesis,  out phenotype is characterized by seizures leading to sud-
               recycling or uptake of dietary inositol), is attached  den death. These seizures are similar to those seen dur-
               to CDP/DAG by the PtdIns synthetase [cytidine di-  ing epilepsy. Many of the defects are found in the central
               phosphate (CDP)/diacylglycerol (DAG):myo-inositol  nervous system (CNS). Activation of PLC by muscarinic
               3-phosphatidyltransferase] located on the endoplasmic  receptors is suppressed in the temporal lobe, cerebellum
               reticulum (ER) to form PtdIns.                 and hippocampus, and this could decrease the inhibitory
             6. The PtdIns is then transported from the ER back to the  tone, leading to the seizures.
               plasma membrane by a PtdIns transfer protein (PITP).  PLCβ2 is mainly expressed in cells of the immune sys-
               Cells express two PITPs, an α and a β isoform, pro-  tem. Knockout mice show some disruption of chemokine
               duced by separate genes. The latter appears to be the  signalling. For example, neutrophils fail to respond to
               housekeeping isoform that is essential for cell survival,  the chemoattractant fMet-Leu-Phe with the usual changes
               whereas the α isoform has a more specialized function.  in PLC activation, Ca 2 +  release and superoxide radical
               When PtdIns is added back to the plasma membrane, it  (O 2  −• ) production. However, the response to lipopolysac-
               can once again be converted through the two phos-  charide (LPS) is normal. Despite this absence of PLC activ-
               phorylation reactions to maintain the supply of the  ation in leucocytes, chemotactic responses are enhanced,
               PtdIns4,5P 2 that is the precursor for the phosphoin-  suggesting that this signalling pathway may normally ant-
               ositide signalling pathway.                    agonize the signalling pathways normally used to control
             7. Cells can also use plasma inositol, which is taken up  chemotaxis.
               by a sodium-dependent myo-inositol cotransporter-1  PLCβ3 is found mainly in brain, parotid, smooth
               (SMIT1).                                       muscle and liver. Disruption of this gene is lethal, with
                                                              the mice dying by day 2.5. The embryos are highly dis-
                                                              organized and have low cell numbers, suggesting a role
             Phospholipase C (PLC)                            for this isoenzyme in cell division. This isoform has two
             Phospholipase C (PLC) hydrolyses the lipid precursor  sites (Ser-26 and Ser-105) that are phosphorylated by cyclic
             PtdIns4,5P 2 to produce both InsP 3 and DAG. It is made  GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) resulting in a de-
             up of five subclasses, which have variable isoforms PLCβ  crease in enzyme activity (Module 7: Figure smooth muscle
             (β1--β4), PLCδ (δ1--δ4), PLCγ (γ1and γ2), PLCε and  cell cyclic GMP signalling).
             PLCζ (Module 2: Figure PLC structure and function). All  PLCβ4 is found in cerebellum and granule cells. Knock-
             forms of the enzyme have an absolute requirement for  out mice appear to have defects in the cerebellum, result-
             Ca 2 +  that plays a critical role in the catalytic site. The  ing in poor motor co-ordination due to a decrease in PLC
             PtdIns4,5P 2 is cleaved through two sequential reactions:  stimulation through metabotropic glutamatergic and mus-
             first, the phosphodiester bond is cleaved to DAG and in-  carinic receptors. There also are defects in the processing
             ositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate, the latter is then hydrolysed to  of visual information.
             give the acyclic InsP 3 that is released into the cytoplasm.  The primary activation mechanism of the PLCβ iso-
             The domain structure of the different PLC isoforms re-  forms is through the G q family of heterotrimeric G pro-
             veals a number of common structural features related to  teins (G q ,G 11 ,G 14 ,G 15 and G 16 )(Module 2: Figure PLC
             the way the enzyme associates with the membrane and  structure and function). While G q and G 11 are found
             functions to hydrolyse PtdIns4,5P 2 . The catalytic domain  in most tissues, the other three are restricted to cells of
             is made up from the X and Y regions. They have at least  haematopoetic origin. The function of these G proteins
             two potential lipid-binding domains: the pleckstrin homo-  is complicated because the PLCβ isoforms are sensitive
             logy (PH) domain and the C2 domain (Module 6: Figure  to both the α and βγ components of the heterotrimeric
             modular lipid-binding domains). In the case of PLCδ1, the  complex. PLCβ1and PLCβ4 are most sensitive to stim-
             enzyme may first associate with the membrane through its  ulation through α subunits, whereas βγ is more effective
             PH domain, which has a high affinity for PtdIns4,5P 2 .Fur-  at activating PLCβ2and PLCβ3. This sensitivity to βγ
             ther interactions may then occur through the C2 domain,  subunits may explain the pertussis-toxin-sensitive stimu-
             which has an extensive interface with the catalytic domain  lation of PLC by the G i family of G proteins . For example,
             and may thus enable the catalytic site to integrate itself into  the adenosine A 1 , muscarinic M 2 , somatostatin and μ-, δ-
             the membrane to hydrolyse the lipid. The main difference  and κ-opioid receptors can couple to PLC through G i and
             between these PLC isoforms concerns the way in which  G o .Ofthe fiveGβ and 11 Gγ subunits, there appears to
             they are activated.                              be little specificity with regard to the activation of PLC.

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