Page 132 - 84 human physiolofy part-1
P. 132

Chapter 7



                 Sickle-cell disease is inherited in the autosomal recessive pattern, depicted above. The allele
            responsible for sickle cell anemia is autosomal recessive. A person who receives the defective gene
            from both father and mother develops the disease; a person who receives one defective and one healthy
            allele remains healthy, but can pass on the disease and is known as a carrier. If two parents who are
            carriers have a child, there is a 1-in-4 chance of their child developing the illness and a 1-in-2 chance of
            their child just being a carrier.


                 Polycythemia is a condition in which there is a net increase in the total circulating erythrocyte (red
            blood cell) mass of the body. There are several types of polycythemia.

            Primary Polycythemia

                 In primary polycythemia, there may be 8 to 9 million and occasionally 11 million erythrocytes per
            cubic millimeter of blood (a normal range for adults is 4-5 million), and the hematocrit may be as high
            as 70 to 80%. In addition, the total blood volume can increase to as much as twice as normal. The
            entire vascular system can become markedly engorged with blood, and circulation times for blood
            throughout the body can increase up to twice the normal value. The increased numbers of erythrocytes
            can increase the viscosity of the blood to as much as five times normal. Capillaries can become plugged
            by the very viscous blood, and the flow of blood through the vessels tends to be extremely sluggish.

                 As a consequence of the above, people with untreated Polycythemia are at a risk of various
            thrombotic events (deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism), heart attack and stroke, and have a
            substantial risk of Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis). The condition is considered
            chronic; no cure exists. Symptomatic treatment (see below) can normalize the blood count and most
            patients can live a normal life for years.

            Secondary polycythemia

                 Secondary   polycythemia   is   caused   by   either   appropriate   or   inappropriate   increases   in   the
            production of erythropoietin that result in an increased production of erythrocytes. In secondary
            polycythemia, there may be 6 to 8 million and occasionally 9 million erythrocytes per cubic millimeter
            of blood. A type of secondary polycythemia in which the production of erythropoietin increases
            appropriately is called physiologic polycythemia. Physiologic polycythemia occurs in individuals
            living at high altitudes (4275 to 5200 meters), where oxygen availability is less than at sea level. Many
            athletes train at higher altitudes to take advantage of this effect — a legal form of blood doping. Actual
            polychthemia sufferers have been known to use their condition as an athletic advantage for greater

                 Other causes of secondary polycythemia include smoking, renal or liver tumors, or heart or lung
            diseases that result in hypoxia. Endocrine abnormalities, prominently including pheochromocytoma
            and adrenal adenoma with Cushing's Syndrome, are also secondary causes. Athletes and bodybuilders

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