Page 15 - 83 basic knowledge of astronomy
P. 15
Z n E=E n
Z m E=E m
Spontaneous Emission Absorption Induced Emission
Figure 14: The three possible transitions between two energy states.
certain coefficient α m as:
df sp = α dν dΩ dt. (9)
E= E n
E= E m
Figure 15: Spontaneous emission of radiation.
(2) Absorption Z m → Z n
Some of the radiation passing through the gaseous medium may be ab-
sorbed in a transition from Z m to Z n , at a frequency around ν mn = (E n −
E m ) / h (Figure 16). The absorption probability df ab for the radiation inci-
dent from a direction within a small solid angle dΩ around s, and in a small
frequency bandwidth dν, during a short time interval dt, must be propor-
tional to dν dΩ dt and to the spectral energy density per unit solid angle,
u ν (s), of the radiation itself. Therefore, introducing a proportionality coeffi-
cient β , we have:
df ab = β u ν (s) dν dΩ dt. (10)
(3) Induced (or stimulated) emission Z n → Z m
Radiation with a frequency ν incident from a certain direction s may
induce (or ‘stimulate’) transitions of gas particles from higher to lower energy