Page 14 - 83 basic knowledge of astronomy
P. 14

Z n to Z m (Figure 13). The frequency of the absorbed or emitted radiation
                      is determined by the equation:

                                                   hν mn = E n − E m ,                          (8)

                      where h is the Planck constant (h = 6.626 × 10   −34  J s).

                            Z  n                                                         E=E n

                                     hνmn=En-Em                       hνmn=En-Em
                            Z m                                                          E=E m

                            Z  3                                                         E=E 3
                            Z  2                                                         E=E 2
                            Z  1                                                         E=E 1

                      Figure 13: Energy levels and transitions with emission (left–hand arrow) or
                      absorption (right–hand arrow) of radiation.

                         The energy levels here may be distributed continuously (continuum emis-
                      sion) or discretely (line emission). Note that even in the discrete level case,
                      the frequency is spread over a finite ‘line width’, due to the Doppler shifts in
                      randomly moving gaseous media in the universe.
                         Three kinds of transitions may occur between these two states (Figure
                      14), as follows:

                      (1) Spontaneous emission             Z n → Z m
                         The spontaneous emission emerges due to a transition which occurs ‘by
                      itself’, without any external influence (Figure 15). The probability df sp for
                      the spontaneous emission to occur within a small solid angle dΩ towards a
                      direction -s, within a small frequency bandwidth dν around the frequency
                      ν mn = (E n − E m ) / h, and during a small time interval dt, must be propor-
                      tional to dν dΩ dt. Therefore, the probability can be expressed through a

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