Page 49 - Microsoft PowerPoint - lecture1.ppt
P. 49

2.3 Basic structure types


                    Crystal data

                    Formula sum                                ZnS

                    Crystal system                             cubic
                    Space group                                F -4 3 m (no. 216)                                           Layer in sphalerite

                    Unit cell dimensions                       a = 5.3450 Å

                    Z                                          4

                    Atomic coordinates                                                                                      Stacking sequence

                    Atom          Ox.           Wyck.          x             y              z
                    Zn1           +2            4a             0             0              0

                    S2            -2            4c             1/4           1/4            1/4

                        Structural and other features:
                        Structural and other features:
                        • diamond-type structure

                        • 50% of tetrahedral holes in CCP filled
                        • connected layers, sequence (S-layers): ABC, polytypes

                        • Zn, S is coordinated by 4 S, (tetrahedra, common corners)

                        • applications of sphalerite-type structures very important
                          (semiconductors: solar cells, transistors, LED, laser…)
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