Page 16 - 78 glossary of hivaids-related terms_opt
P. 16

A      ARV
               See: Antiretroviral

               See: AIDS Service Organization

            Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
               See: Liver Function Tests

               An infection of the lungs caused by the fungus Aspergillus. The
               infection may also spread through the blood to other organs.
               Symptoms include fever, chills, difficulty in breathing, and coughing
               up blood. If the infection reaches the brain, it may cause dementia.

               See: Aspartate Aminotransferase

               Having no obvious signs or symptoms of disease.

               Partial or complete loss of coordination of voluntary muscular
               movements. This can interfere with a person’s ability to walk, talk,
               eat, and perform other tasks of daily living.

               A condition that results from the gradual buildup of fatty
               substances, including cholesterol, on artery walls. Use of PIs may
               increase cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of developing
               atherosclerosis. However, a recent study has shown that long-term
               HAART may actually decrease the risk of atherosclerosis.
               See Also: Cholesterol

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