Page 65 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 65

F O R M  U L A E                                                    IR-4.2

                                                            [rule (iv)]
                           6. Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
                                                            [rules (iii), (iv), (vi)]
                           7. [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ] 2 (SO 4 ) 3
                           8. [{Rh(m-Cl)(CO) 2 } 2 ]        [  rules (iii), (vi), (vii)]
                           9. K[Os(N) 3 ]                   [  rules (ii), (iii)]
                                                            [rule (v)]
                          10. (–S)– n
                          11. (HBO 2 ) n , o r  – (B(OH)O)– n  [rules (ii) and (v)]

                          13.                         Cl      PPh 3
                                                      Cl     PPh 3
                          14. NaCl

                          15. [NaCl]

                       The first formula in Example 11 may be considered to be a  m  olecular formula (Section
                       IR-4.2.2) with no implications about the structure of the polymer in question.
                          In Examples  1 4  a nd 15, the formula  [ NaCl] may be used to distinguish the molecular
                       compound consisting of one sodium atom and one chlorine atom from the solid with the
                       composition NaCl.

           IR-4.2.4    Formulae of (formal) addition compounds

                       In the formulae of addition compounds and compounds which can formally be regarded as
                       such, including clathrates and multiple salts, a  s pecial format is used. The  p roportions of
                       constituents are indicated by arabic numerals preceding the formulae of the constituents, and
                       the formulae of the constituents are separated by a  c entre dot. The rules for ordering the
                       constituent f ormulae are described in Section IR-

                           1. Na 2 CO 3 10H 2 O
                           2. 8H 2 S 46H 2 O
                           3. BMe 3 NH 3

           IR-4.2.5    Solid state structural i nformation

                       Structural information can also be given  b y  i ndicating structural type as a  q ualification of a
                       formula. For example, polymorphs may be indicated by adding in parentheses an abbreviated
                       expression for the crystal system (see Sections IR-11.5.2 and IR-11.7.2, and Table IR-3.1).
                       Structures may also be designated by adding the name o f a t ype-compound i n i talics in paren-
                       theses, but such usage may not be unambiguous. There are at least ten varieties  o f Z nS(h).

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