Page 64 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 64
IR-4.2 F O R M U L A E
IR-4.2.3 Structural formulae a nd the use o f e nclosing marks in formulae
A s tructural f ormula g ives partial or complete information about the way in which the atoms
in a m olecule are connected and arranged in space. In simple cases, a l ine f ormula t hat is just
a s equence of atomic s ymbols gives s tructural i nformation provided the reader knows t hat
the formula represents the order of the atoms in the linear structure.
1. HOCN (empirical formula CHNO)
2. HNCO (empirical formula also CHNO)
3. HOOH (empirical formula HO)
As soon as the compound has even a s lightly more complex structure, it becomes necessary
to use enclosing marks in line f ormulae to separate s ubgroups of atoms. Different enclosing
marks must b e u sed for repeating units and sidechains in order to avoid ambiguity.
The basic rules for applying enclosing marks in structural formulae are as follows:
(i) Repeating u nits in chain compounds a re enclosed in square brackets.
(ii) Side groups to a m ain chain and groups (ligands) attached to a c entral atom are
enclosed in parentheses (except single atoms when t here is no ambiguity regarding
their attachment in the structure, e.g. hydrogen in hydrides with a c hain structure).
(iii) A f ormula or part of a f ormula w hich represents a m olecular entity may be placed in
enclosing marks. If an entire formula is enclosed, square brackets m ust b e u sed,
except if rule (v) applies.
(iv) A p art of a f ormula which is to be multiplied b y a subscript may also be enclosed in
parentheses or braces, except i n t he case of repeating units in chain compounds,
cf. r ule (i).
(v) In the case of polymers, if the bonds between r epeating units are to be shown, the
repeating unit is enclosed in strike-through parentheses, with the dash superimposed
on the parentheses representing the bond. (If this is typographically inconvenient,
dashes can be placed before a nd after the parentheses.)
(vi) Inside square b rackets, enclosing marks are nested as follows:
( ) , { ( ) }, ({( ) }), {({( ) })}, etc.
(vii) Atoms or groups of atoms which are represented together with a p refixed s ymbol,
e.g. a s tructural m odifier such as ‘m’, are placed within e nclosing marks, using the
nesting order of (vi).
The use of enclosing marks for the specification of isotopic modification is described in
Section IR-4.5.
Compared to line formulae, displayed formulae (Examples 12 and 13 below) give more (or
full) information about the structure.
(The rules needed f or ordering the symbols in some o f t he example f ormulae below are
given in Section IR-4.4.3.)
[rule (i)]
4. SiH 3 [SiH 2 ] 8 SiH 3
[rules (i) and (ii)]
5. SiH 3 [SiH 2 ] 5 SiH(SiH 3 )SiH 2 SiH 3