Page 130 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 130
IR-7.4 A D D I T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E
IR-7.4.3 Name construction
The atoms forming the nodal skeleton a re listed in alphabetical order complete with their
locants and are named using ‘y’ terms, examples of which are given i n T able IR-7.1; a full
list is given in Table X.
Table IR-7.1 Some ‘y’ terms for naming elements in the nodal framework
H h ydrony C c arby N a zy O o xy
B b ory Si sily P p hosphy S s ulfy
Ge germy As arsy Se seleny
Sn stanny Sb stiby Te tellury
Atoms a nd groups of atoms which are not part of the nodal framework are named as
ligands (Section IR-7.1.3) and are cited in alphabetical order, t ogether with their locants,
before the sequence of names of the atoms constituting the nodal framework. The n odal
descriptor is given n ext. The ‘catena’, ‘cycle’ or ‘catenacycle’ term is added at the end,
cf. S ection IR-7.4.1. (Note that bridging l igands are not employed i n t his system.)
In the case of anionic and cationic species, t hese t erms are modified by the endings
‘ate’ and ‘ium’ respectively, to yield the terms ‘catenate’, ‘catenium’, ‘cyclate’, ‘cyclium’,
‘catenadicyclium’, ‘catenacyclate’, etc., and a c harge number is added at the end of the name.
Radical species may be indicated analogously by using t he radical dot (see Section IR-7.1.4).
Examples 1–6, which demonstrate the use of the system described here, were a lso n amed
in Section IR-7.3.1. E xamples 7–13 cannot be named so easily by other methods.
1. NCCN 1,4-diazy-2,3-dicarby-[4]catena
2. NCCN * 1,4-diazy-2,3-dicarby-[4]catenate( * 1 )
3. NCSSCN 1,6-diazy-2,5-dicarby-3,4-disulfy-[6]catena
4. NCSSCN * 1,6-diazy-2,5-dicarby-3,4-disulfy-[6]catenate( * 1 )
5. HSSH * 1,2-dihydrido-1,2-disulfy-[2]catenate( * 1 )
6. Cl 3 SiSiCl 2 SiCl 3
7. ClSiH 2 SiH(Me)NSO 2,2,3-trihydrido-3-methyl-4-azy-1-chlory-6-oxy-2,3-
S 1 S
S 12 N S
S 13 S S 4
1,7-diazyundecasulfy-[012.1 ]dicycle
Because t his compound contains o nly nitrogen a nd sulfur it is not necessary to indicate the
locants of all sulfur atoms. Only the locants of the two nitrogen a toms are needed. The s ame
applies to several of the following examples.