Page 69 - 71 the abc of dft_opt
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138                                                 CHAPTER 17. GRADIENTS

                                                                                   n   &   local  % error  exact
                                                                                   1  0.2 6.2832   -1   6.3462
                                                                                   2  0.2 6.2832   -4   6.5297
                                                                                   4  0.2 6.2832  -13   7.1989
       Chapter 17                                                                  8  0.2 6.2832  -32   9.2984
                                                                                   16 0.2 6.2832  -57   14.7104
                                                                                   32 0.2 6.2832  -77   26.7835
       Gradients                                                                   64 0.2 6.2832  -88   51.9081

                                                                                        Table 17.2: Perimeter’s of shapes for * = 0.2, and various n, both exactly and in local approximation.
       In this chapter, we explore the ”obvious” correction to the local approximation, namely  One could imagine a clever person, not knowing the true formula, being able to prove an
       the inclusion of gradient information. We’ll see that its not as easy as it looks, and why  exact condition like:
       it took about a quarter of a century to accomplish.                                                        P loc  ≤ P                       (17.3)
                                                                                  We also notice that the error increases with &. Obviously & = 0 is a circle, where the local
       17.1  Perimeter problem                                                    approximation is exact. For small &, the curve is in some sense close to a circle, and the
                                                                                  local approximation should be accurate. In Fig. 17.1, we plot the & = 0.8 case, and see that,
       To illustrate the interesting complexities of the use of gradients, we return to our problem
       from Chapter 2, in which we needed to know the perimeter of a shape, given its definition                     n=1, eps=0.8
       in terms of polar coordinates, r(θ). In all of what follows, we assume we do not know the
       exact answer.
         We already saw in chapter 8 that the local approximation is
                                        1  2π
                                  P  loc  =  dθ r(θ).                   (17.1)
       Let us first consider the family of smooth curves introduced in that chapter:

                                 r(θ) = 1 + & cos(nθ)                   (17.2)
       Here 0 ≤ & < 1, while n is an integer. For these curves, the local approximation yields exactly
       2π for the perimeter.                                                                              Figure 17.1: Shape r = 1 + 0.8 cos(θ).
         In table 17.1, I have compared results for n = 1, as a function of &. The local approximation  although the radius varies from 0.2 to 1.8, the curve looks quite circular.
       is doing rather well, with a maximum error of −15%. Notice how its always an underestimate.
                                                                                    On the other hand, in Table 17.1, we fix & = 0.2, and increase n. The error grows almost
                                                                                  quadratically with n. Again, n = 0 is the circular case, and so small n is somehow more
       n   &   local  % error  exact
                                                                                  circular than large n.
        1 0.0 6.2832  0.00  6.2832                                                  To understand the ever increasing error, we plot the n = 64 curve in Fig. 17.2. The local
        1 0.1 6.2832  -0.25  6.2989
                                                                                  approximation yields the perimeter of a circle with the average radius, r = 1. Obviously, the
        1 0.2 6.2832  -0.99  6.3462
                                                                                  64 wiggles between r = 1.2 and r = 0.8 as one goes round the circle are not accounted for
        1 0.4 6.2832  -3.88  6.5371                                               in the local approximation, but add greatly to the perimeter.
        1 0.8 6.2832  -14.37  7.3376
                                                                                    Thus we can speak of two distinct ways in which a curve might be ’close’ to a circle. The
             Table 17.1: Perimeter’s of shapes for n = 1, and various *, both exactly and in local approximation.  first, more familiar way, is when & is small, and so the perturbation on r = 1 is weak. This can
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74