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16.1. DENSITY MATRICES AND HOLES                                   123     124                                    CHAPTER 16. EXCHANGE-CORRELATION HOLE
         Why is this an important quantity? Just as the kinetic energy can be extracted from
       the first-order density matrix, the potential energy of an interacting electronic system is a  4
       two-body operator, and is known once the pair density is known:                                   cartoon
                                 1  1  1
                            V ee =  dx  dx P(x, x )/|r − r |           (16.13)      n(x # )  2
       Although it can be very interesting to separate out the parallel and antiparallel spin contribu-  1
       tions to the pair density, we won’t do that here, since the Coulomb repulsion does not. The
       reduced pair density is the spin-summed pair density:
                                        -                                                -6  -4  -2  0   2  4   6
                                P(r, r ) =  P(rσ, r σ ),               (16.14)
                                                # #
                                        σσ !                                                         x #
       and is often called simply the pair density. Then                          Figure 16.1: Cartoon of hole in one-dimensional exponential density. Plotted are the actual density n(x ) (long dashes), the
                                                                                  conditional density n 2 (x = 2, x ) (solid line), and their difference, the hole density, n XC (x = 2, x ) (dashed line).
                                   1  1  3  1  P(r, r )
                                            3 #
                              V ee =  d r  d r      .                  (16.15)
                                   2          |r − r | #                          rapidly with distance, as the electrons avoid the electron at x. The product of densities in
                                                                                  P(r, r ) gives rise to U, the Hartree energy, while
         As we have seen, a large chunk of V ee is simply the Hartree electrostatic energy U, and
       since this is an explicit density functional, does not need to be approximated in a Kohn-Sham    U XC =  1  d r n(r)  1  d u  n XC (r, u) .  (16.21)
       calculation. Thus it is convenient to subtract this off. We define the (potential) exchange-                            2u
       correlation hole density around an electron at r of spin σ:                Thus we may say, in a wavefunction interpretation of density functional theory, the exchange-
                                                                                  correlation energy is simply the Coulomb interaction between the charge density and its
                           P(x, x ) = n(x) (n(x ) + n XC (x, x )) .    (16.16)
                                                                                  surrounding exchange-correlation hole.
       The hole is usually (but not always) negative, and integrates to exactly −1:  The exchange hole is a special case, and arises from the Kohn-Sham wavefunction. For a
                                                                                  single Slater determinant, one can show
                                   dx n XC (x; x ) = −1                (16.17)
                                                                                                   N σ N σ !
                                                                                                   - -
       Since the pair density can never be negative,                                      P X (x, x ) =  φ (r)φ jσ !(r ) (φ iσ (r)φ jσ !(r ) − φ iσ (r )φ jσ !(r))  (16.22)
                                                                                                   i=1 j=1
                                  n XC (x, x ) ≥ −n(x ).               (16.18)                                                                    #
                                                                                  The first (direct) term clearly yields simply the product of the spin-densities, n(x)n(x ), while
       This is not a very strong restriction, especially for many electrons. Again, while the spin-  the second (exchange) term can be expressed in terms of the density matrix:
                                                                                                                                # 2
       decomposition of the hole is interesting, our energies depend only on the spin-sum, which is     P X (x, x ) = n(x)n(x ) − |γ S (x, x )|   (16.23)
       less trivial for the hole:
                                                                                yielding
                                     -                                                                         #         # 2
                           n XC (r, r ) =    n(x)n XC (x, x ) /n(r).  (16.19)                           n X (x, x ) = −|γ S (x, x )| /n(x).      (16.24)
                                                 # 
                                     σσ !
                                                                                  This shows that the exchange hole is diagonal in spin (i.e., only like-spins exchange) and is
       The pair density is a symmetrical function of r and r :                    everywhere negative. Since exchange arises from a wavefunction, it satisfies the sum-rule, so
                                  P(r , r) = P(r, r ),                 (16.20)                               1  3
                                                                                                               d u n X (r, u) = −1                (16.25)
       but the hole is not. It is often useful to define u = r − r as the distance away from the
                                                                                  The exchange hole gives rise to the exchange energy:
       electron, and consider the hole as function of r and u. These ideas are illustrated in Fig.
       (16.1). It is best to think of the hole as a function of u = x − x, i.e., distance from the      E X =  1  1  d r  1  d r  n(r)n X (r, r )  (16.26)
                                                                                                                      3 #
       electron point. The hole is often (but not always) deepest at the electron point, and decays          2            |r − r |
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