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15.3. ENERGY DENSITY                                               119     120                                              CHAPTER 15. ANALYSIS TOOLS
       our analysis, we may rewrite this as
                                    1  ∞
                              E LDA  =  dr s g(r s ) & unif (r s ).     (15.4)
                               XC    0          XC
       Thus the contribution to E LDA  for a given r s value is given by g 1 (r s ) times the weighting
       factor & unif (r s ). Clearly, from Fig. 15.3, we see that, to get a good value for the exchange-
       correlation energy of the Ar atom, LDA must do well for r s ≤ 2, but its performance for
       larger r s values is irrelevant.
         Typical r s values are small for core electrons (at the origin, a hydrogenic atom has r s =
       0.72/Z), but valence electrons have r s between about 1 and 6. These produce the dominant
       contribution to chemical processes, such as atomization of molecules, but core relaxations
       with r s 0 1 can also contribute. The valence electrons in simple metal solids have r s between
       2 and 6.

       15.3  Energy density

       15.4  Questions
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