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3.3. THREE DIMENSIONS                                               35     36                                                CHAPTER 3. ONE ELECTRON
       and minimize the expectation value of H, subject to the constraint that φ be normalized.  3.4  Differential equations
       This leads to a set of linear equations
                                                                                  We have just seen how to construct various trial wavefunctions and find their parameters by
                                   ||H − ES|| = 0,                       (3.6)    minimizing the energy. In a few lucky cases, we’ve found the exact solution to the given
                                    1  ∞                                            But in the real world, where analytic solutions are few and far between, we cannot be
                               H ij =  dx φ (x)Hφ j (x)                  (3.7)
                                     −∞                                           relying on lucky guesses. When we’re given a variational problem to solve, we must find the
       is the Hamiltonian matrix, and                                             exact answer, and be sure we’ve done so.
                                      ∞                                             Happily, we can do so, by applying the techniques of Chapter 2 to the variational problem of
                                S ij =  dx φ (x)φ j (x)                  (3.8)
                                     −∞                                           Eq. (3.1). We choose the wavefunction real, and want to minimize E[φ], given the constraint
       is the overlap matrix. In general, Eq. (3.6) is a generalized eigenvalue equation. Only if the  that the wavefunction be normalized. Thus we must minimize:
       basis of trial wavefunctions is chosen as orthonormal (Eq. 1.10) will S = 1, and the equation
       be an ordinary eigenvalue equation.                                                              F[φ] = T[φ] + V [φ] − µ(N[φ] − 1)          (3.11)
         The standard textbook problem of chemical bonding is the formation of molecular orbitals  where N[φ] = dx φ (x), and µ is a Lagrange multiplier. Taking functional derivatives, we
       from atomic orbitals in describing the molecular ion H 2 .                 find:
                      +                                                                       δT      ##       δV                  δN
       Exercise 12 1-d H 2                                                                        = −φ (x),        = 2v(x) φ(x),       = 2φ(x)     (3.12)
                                                                                             δφ(x)            δφ(x)               δφ(x)
       For a potential V (x) = −δ(x) − δ(x + a), use φ mol (x) = c 1 φ E (x) + c 2 φ E (x + a) as a trial
       wavefunction, and calculate the bonding and antibonding energies as a function of atomic  Thus
       separation a.                                                                                        = −φ (x) + 2(v(x) − µ)φ(x)             (3.13)
                                                                                  At the minimum, this should vanish, yielding:
       3.3  Three dimensions
                                                                                                         − φ (x) + v(x) φ(x) = µ φ(x)              (3.14)
       There are only slight complications in the real three-dimensional world. We will consider           2
       only spherical 3-d potentials, v(r), where r = |r|. Then the spatial parts of the orbitals are  and we can identify µ = E 0 by integrating both sides with φ(x).
       characterized by 3 quantum numbers:
                                                                                    This should all make a lot of sense. From the Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle, we have
                               φ nlm (r) = R nl (r)Y lm (θ, ϕ),          (3.9)    rededuced the Schr¨odinger equation. Note however that all eigenstates satisfy the Schr¨odinger
                                                                                  equation, but only the ground state satisfies the variatonal principle (all others are only local
       where the Y lm ’s are spherical harmonics. Inserting (3.9) into the Schr¨odinger Equation gives
       the radial equation
                                                                                    The general rule is that, given a variational principle, trial wavefunctions can be used to
                                             
                       1 d  2  d  l(l + 1)                                      get approximate answers, but the exact solution can often be found by solving the differential
                      −     r   +        + v(r) R nl (r) = ε nl R nl (r).  (3.10)
                        2r dr  dr   2r
                        2            2                                          equation that results from extremizing the functional, given the constraints.
       These are written about in almost all textbooks on quantum mechanics, with emphasis on the
       Coulomb problem, v(r) = −Z/r. Less frequently treated is the three-dimensional harmonic  3.5  Virial theorem
       oscillator problem, v(r) = kr /2.
                                                                                  We close this chapter with a statement, without proof, of the virial theorem in one dimension.
       Exercise 13 Three dimensions                                               The proof will be given later in the book. The virial theorem says that, for an eigenstate of
       Use the trial wavefunctions of an exponential and a Gaussian in r to deduce the ground-state  a given potential,
       energy and orbital of (a) the hydrogen atom (Z = 1), and (b) the harmonic oscillator with                       dV
                                                                                                               2T = % x  &.                        (3.15)
       k = 1.                                                                                                          dx
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