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2.4. QUESTIONS                                                      31     32                                                 CHAPTER 2. FUNCTIONALS
       of Lagrange multipliers. Following the example in the Appendix (A.1), construct a new  Extra exercises
                                 B[r] = A[r] − µP[r],                   (2.18)     1. Consider a square of side 1. Check that the circle of the same perimeter has a larger
       where µ is at this point an unknown constant. Then extremize the new functional B[r], by
       setting its functional derivative to zero:                                  2. For the unit square centered on the origin, check that Eqs. (2.2) and (2.4). are correct.
                      δB   δA    δP         r + r (2r − r )                          Hint: You need only do the first octant, x > y > 0.
                         =    − µ   = r(θ) − µ            = 0,          (2.19)
                                                    #2 3/2
                      δr   δr    δr           (r + r )
       A simple solution to this equation is r(θ) = µ, a constant. This tells us that the optimum
       shape is a circle, and the radius of that circle can be found by inserting the solution in the
       constraint, P[r = µ] = 2πµ = l. The largest area enclosable by a piece of string of length l
       is A[r = µ] = l /(4π).
       Exercise 7 Change in a functional
       Suppose you know that a functional E[n] has functional derivative v(r) = −1/r for the
       density n(r) = Z exp(−2Zr), where Z = 1. Estimate the change in E when Z becomes
       Exercise 8 Second functional derivative
       Find the second functional derivative of (a) a local functional and (b) T  VW .
       2.4  Questions

        1. Compare the functional derivative of T  VW [n] with T loc [n] for some sample one-electron
                                       S          S
          problem. Comment.
        2. If someone just tells you a number for any density you give them, e.g., the someone might
          be Mother Nature, and the number might be the total energy measured by experiment,
          devise a method for deducing if Mother Nature’s functional is local or not.
        3. Is there a simple relationship between T S and  !  dx n(x)δT S /δn(x)? First consider the
          local approximation, then the Von Weisacker. Comment on your result.
        4. For fixed particle number, is there any indeterminancy in the functional derivative of a
          density functional?
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