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                      Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry

                                       University of Lund, May/June 2008
                                                   Lecture notes

                                                    Dieter Rehder

               1. Scope and Introduction

               “Bioinorganic Chemistry“ is at the gate-way of inorganic chemistry and biochemistry, i.e. it
               describes the mutual relationship between these two sub-disciplines, with focus upon the
               function of inorganic “substances“ in living systems, including the transport, speciation and,
               eventually, mineralisation of inorganic materials, and including the use of inorganics in
               medicinal therapy and diagnosis. These “substances” can be metal ions (such as K , ferrous
               and ferric), composite ions (e.g. molybdate), coordination compounds  (like cisplatin and
               carbonyltechnetium), or inorganic molecules such as CO, NO, O 3. Medicinal inorganic
               chemistry on the one hand, and biomineralisation on the other hand, are important integral

               Inorganic reactions have possibly played an important role in the formation and development
               of organic “life molecules” in the prebiotic area (terrestrial and/or extraterrestrial), and from
               the very beginning of life on Earth. Inorganic chemistry is involved in structure and function of
               all life forms present nowadays on Earth, belonging to one of the three main branches, viz.
               bacteria, archaea and eucarya (Fig. 1). Life started ca 3.5 billion years ago with LUCA, the first
               uniform (and unknown) common ancestor. At that time, our planet was already covered by
               oceans. The overall situation was, however, completely different from that of today: The
               primordial atmosphere (also referred to as “primordial broth”) contained CO 2, N 2 and H 2O as
               the main components, and trace amounts of gases like H 2, CO, COS, H 2S, NH 3 and CH 4 from
               volcanic exhalations, and trace amounts of oxygen from the decomposition of water by electric
               discharges, cosmic rays and radioactivity. The Earth’s crust was essentially unstable due to
               wide-spread volcanism and bombardment by debris (meteorites), remainders from the
               constitution of the solar system some 4.5 billion years ago.
                      A key reaction at that time was the conversion of ferrous sulfide to ferrous disulfide
               (pyrite, FeS 2) (eqn. 1), accompanied by a reduction potential of -620 mV, enough to enable
               reductive carbon fixation, including reductive C-C coupling, and thus to allow entrance into the
               world of organic compounds. Eqns. (2) (formation of thiomethanol as a key compound) and (3)
               (formation of thioacetic acid) are examples. Of particular interest is the formation of “active
               acetic acid methylester“ (eqn. 3b), which is an essential constituent of acetyl-coenzyme-A, a
               focal product in biological carbon cycling, the synthesis of which is catalysed by an
               acetylcoenzyme-M synthase, a iron-nickel-sulphur enzyme.
                      FeS + HS  → FeS 2 + 2[H] , ∆E  = - 620 mV               (1)
                      COS + 6[H] → CH 3SH + H 2O                              (2)
                      CH 3SH + CO → CH 3COSH                                  (3a)
                      2CH 3SH + CO 2 + FeS → CH 3CO(SCH 3) + H 2O + FeS 2   (3b)

                For the definition and further aspects of coordination compounds see insets on pp. 5 and 7.
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