Page 2 - Microsoft Word - Lund BioinorgChem 08.doc
P. 2


                                                             E u c a r y a              10 9  a
                                                 A n i m a l e s                        0.5
                                                       P l a n t a e


                                                          F u n g i
                   B a c t e r i a                            Ascomycota
                      Proteobacteria  A r c h a e a                                     1.2

                                                                  Planet Earth          4.7
               Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree. Time scale in billion years. LUCA = last uniform common

               “Active acetic acid” readily reacts with amino acids (formed in the primordial broth by electric
               discharge; and/or in interstellar clouds by irradiation and carried to Earth confined in the ice
               cores of comets) to form peptides, which chiral selection and further polymerise on chiral
               matrices provided by certain clays and quartz minerals. Concomitantly, nucleobases can form
               under primordial and interstellar conditions, and polymerise to RNA, unique molecules which
               not only store information and transform this information into proteins, but also can act – like
               proteins – as enzymes (so-called ribozymes). The first life forms, primitive cellular organisms
               capable of self-sustenance and self-replication, are actually believed to have been members of
               an “RNA world”, which later has been replaced by our DNA world.

               Fig. 2 classifies the bio-elements: Along with the “organic elements” (C, H, O, N, S), building
               up bio-mass, many “inorganic elements” play an important role in the physiological context.
               Some of these inorganic elements, such as Fe, Cu and Zn, are present in (practically) all
               organisms, others are important for a restricted number of organisms only. An additional group
               of elements are used for diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

               Figure 2. Periodic Table of the bio-elements: elements building up bio-mass, additional
               essential elements, essential for some groups of organisms, medicinally important elements.
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