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                                                                Gastrointestinal Stomas in Children  433
          Other Complications                                    applied over the stoma results in spontaneous closure in most cases.
          Peritonitis may be a caused by early stoma retraction or wound infec-  However,  if  a  persistent  gastrocutaneous  fistula  develops,  surgical
          tion and may lead to intraperitoneal abscess, particularly in neonates.   closure is indicated.
          Antibiotic  treatment  or  operative  drainage  may  be  indicated.  Bowel   Stomas  should  be  closed  when  the  underlying  condition  has
          obstruction may occur due to improper alignment and twisting at the   resolved. Although there is no urgency to the timing of stoma closure,
          time of stoma construction. This requires urgent surgical correction to   the  psychological  stress  and  cost  of  providing  stoma  care  should  be
          prevent necrosis and resection and possible sepsis.    considered. A contrast study (distal loopogramme) and/or endoscopic
            Exteriorisation  of  the  wrong  bowel  segment  may  occur.  For   assessment  of  the  distal  bowel  may  be  done  to  ascertain  normalcy
          example,  the  small  intestine  may  be  mistakenly  used  instead  of  the   (and patency) before closure. In cases of Hirschsprung’s disease and
          colon, or the distal limb of the colon may be used as the stoma while   anorectal anomalies, a stoma is usually in place at the time of definitive
          the  proximal  limb  is  closed  and  returned  to  the  peritoneal  cavity  as   pull-through. After the anastomosis has healed, it is helpful to begin
          the  Hartmann’s  pouch.  When  performing  a  left-sided  colostomy,  it   anal dilatation for up to a week before stoma closure. As mentioned
          is recommended to place a rectal tube to aid the identification of the   previously, the occurrence of complications in temporary stomas should
          colon. The problem usually manifests as a complete bowel obstruction   prompt consideration for closure of the ostomy rather than revision.
          and requires immediate surgical correction.              Complications of closure include:
            Other, less serious complications include granulation and/or polyp   1. wound infection;
          formation  and  ulceration.  These  are  typically  managed  with  local   2. anastomotic leak;
          cauterisation therapies and observation. Psychological trauma, which
          may be a serious problem for families and school-age children, can be   3. enterocutaneous fistula;
          mitigated by adequate preoperative counselling and constant support.  4. stenosis/stricture at the site of anastomosis;
                              Stoma Care                         5. intestinal obstruction; and
          In most African hospitals, specialised nurses, such as enterostomal ther-  6. abdominal scars.
          apists, are not available. The paediatric surgeon is therefore the primary   Evidence-Based Research
          source of care and support for children with stomas and their families.
                                                                 Table 72.3 presents a retrospective review of colostomy complications
          Management at Home                                     in children.
          Children and their families adapt to stomas in various ways. Adequate
          planning by families is needed, and older children should be incorpo-  Table 72.3: Evidence-based research.
          rated into care planning for their stomas. The use of an adequate size   Title  Colostomy complications in children
          stoma bag is important to prevent the effluent from making contact with   Authors  Mollittt DL, Malangoni MA, Ballantine TV, Grosfeld JL
          the skin. The nonavailability of stoma bags for children with colostomy
                                                                   Institution  James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis,
          is a major problem in this subregion. Some innovation may be needed,   Indiana, USA
          given the resources available locally. For example, a cut-off leg por-
                                                                   Reference  Arch Surg 1980; 115:455–458
          tion of a thick cotton pant slid over a soft napkin can be applied over
          the stoma.  This must be cleaned regularly to reduce offensive odour,   Problem  Intestinal stomas.
                                                                   Comparison/  Single institution retrospective review.
          and zinc oxide paste or petroleum jelly should be applied to protect the
          peristomal skin.
                                                                   (quality of
          Management at School                                     evidence)
          The psychological effect on the school-age child is important. Some
          children will be open and discuss the stoma with their friends and class-  Outcome/  Analysis of 146 paediatric patients with colostomies,
                                                                             specifically related to formation, management, and
          mates, but others may choose to conceal it. In some cases, however, the   subsequent closure of colostomies. The majority of the
          whole class and schoolmates may be told about the child’s stoma so as   colostomies were performed for congenital diseases
          to avoid subjecting the child to manual labour and overzealous play and   (Hirschsprung’s and imperforate anus). There were more
                                                                             loop colostomies than divided colostomies, but also more
          physical contact in the playground. The child should be taught how to   complications noted with loop versus divided colostomies.
          change the stoma bag and clean it regularly, even at school, to reduce   No deaths were related to colostomy closure. Sigmoid
          offensive odour.                                                   colostomies were associated with the lowest rate of
                            Stoma Closure                          Historical   This study underscores the importance of location and type
          In temporary stomas, closure is imperative to restore bowel continuity   significance/   of colostomy (specifically sigmoid colostomy), attention
          as the last step in the treatment of the child. Provided there is no distal   comments  to technical details, principles of stoma care, and proper
                                                                             instruction for parents in minimising complications from
          obstruction,  the  majority  of  tube  stomas  require  no  surgical  closure.   colostomies.
          Removal  of  the  tube  (e.g.,  gastrostomy  tube)  with  pressure  dressing
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