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360  Inguinal and Femoral Hernias and Hydroceles  Inguinal and Femoral Hernias and Hydroceles
                                                                 An  obstructed  or  strangulated  IH,  especially  where  the  contents
                                                               of  the  sac  are  intestines,  will  lead  to  abdominal  pain,  vomiting,  and
                                                               constipation. If the obstruction is not relieved quickly, it may progress
                                                               to bowel ischaemia, gangrene, perforation, and sepsis. There may also
                                                               be compression of the spermatic cord, leading to ischaemia, necrosis,
                                                               and secondary atrophy of the ipsilateral testis with the possibility of
                                                               subfertility or infertility if, for one reason or another, the contralateral
                                                               testis  is  abnormal. As  such,  incarceration  of  an  IH  should  be  taken
                                                               seriously  and  steps  initiated  to  exclude  either  an  obstruction  or
                                                               strangulation. If an obstruction or strangulation is considered present,
        Figure 58.3: Bilateral reducible hernias. Both testes are in the scrotum.  then the child should be admitted to hospital and managed appropriately
                                                               to prevent complications.
                                                                 The  differential  diagnoses  of  IH  include:  hydrocele,  inguinal
                                                               adenitis, femoral hernia, femoral adenitis, undescended testis, retractile
                                                               testis, varicocele, torsion of the testis, testicular tumour, lipoma, and
                                                               lymphangioma of the inguinal area.
                                                               The diagnosis of IH in an overwhelming majority of cases is clinical
                                                               (history and examination). In the few cases where the diagnosis cannot
                                                               be made immediately, the child needs to be re-examined over a period
                                                               of time to make a definitive diagnosis. Although imaging studies are
                                                               generally not indicated for the diagnosis of IH, in the literature, ultra-
                                                               sonography has been used to confirm IH in selected patients; however,
        Figure 58.4: Reducible left inguinoscrotal hernia.
                                                               this is not the gold standard for diagnosing IH in children.
                                                                 Other laboratory and radiographic investigations to determine the
           In the case where there is no bulge but there is the suspicion that a   presence of IH in a child are usually not necessary or even indicated.
        hernia sac may be present, gently but firmly palpate the cord structures   In the African subregion, a full blood count with the determination of
        in  the  male  child  or  the  round  ligament  of  the  ovary  in  the  female   the sickling status of the child is usually all that is required to treat a
        child, sliding the structure over the pubic bone beneath the index finger   child with a reducible, uncomplicated IH. If the hernia is complicated
        medially and laterally. This will elicit a palpable thickening of the cord   (obstructed  or  strangulated)  and  the  child  is  being  prepared  for
        (or ligament of the ovary), usually referred to as the silk glove sign; this   surgery, it is advisable to add blood urea, creatinine, and electrolytes
        is suggestive of the presence of a hernia sac.         determination to the investigations required before operation, especially
           An  inguinal  hernia,  if  present,  may  be  reducible  or  irreducible,   if the obstruction or strangulation has been present for 24 hours or more
        complicated  or  uncomplicated.  A  reducible  IH  is  one  in  which  the   (a frequent occurrence in the subregion).
        contents of the sac return spontaneously to the peritoneal cavity or will   Complications of an inguinal hernia include incarceration, intestinal
        do so with gentle manual pressure when the child is recumbent. In such   obstruction,  strangulation,  gangrene  of  bowel,  perforation  of  bowel,
        situations,  there  is  usually  no  pain  associated  with  the  mass.  For  an   peritonitis,  septicaemia,  intraabdominal  abscess  formation,  infarction
        irreducible IH, the lump will not reduce spontaneously when the child   of the testis, testicular atrophy, gangrene of the ovary and/or fallopian
        lies supine, but may sometimes be reduced if some amount of pressure   tube, and infertility.
        is exerted. The contents of the sac are trapped by a narrow neck. An   Treatment
        irreducible hernia may or may not be tender.           Inguinal  hernias  are  not  known  to  resolve  spontaneously  and  must
           In the case of an incarcerated IH, an example being the incarceration   therefore be repaired surgically shortly after diagnosis on an elective
        of the ovary with the fallopian tube in a hernia sac, the mass does not   basis; the definitive treatment for IH is early operation, a herniotomy.
        reduce spontaneously when the child lies down, and most often cannot   This will reduce the risks of incarceration with its attendant compli-
        be reduced by the physician examining the child. Note here that the mass   cations,  such  as  obstruction  and  strangulation.  A  well-administered
        is not tender and the contents (ovary and a portion of the fallopian tube)   general anaesthesia is preferable and can be safely done by an anaes-
        are usually a sliding component of the sac. In children, incarceration of   thesiologist experienced in the care of infants and children. Ketamine
        inguinal hernias occurs at the external inguinal ring, whereas in adults,   can also be used and is well tolerated by children.
        the hernia is normally obstructed at the internal inguinal ring.  The  procedure  (Figure  58.5)  involves  a  herniotomy  through  a
           The term “incarceration” does not imply obstruction, inflammation,   transverse or oblique incision made in the lowest inguinal skin crease
        or ischaemia of the herniated mass, although incarceration is necessary   (Figure 58.5A).
        for obstruction or strangulation to arise. When an incarcerated hernia
        becomes painful and the examiner can elicit tenderness, then the IH is   1. The incision is deepened through the Camper’s fascia, subcutaneous
        either obstructed or strangulated. When it is bowel that is trapped in the   fat, and Scarpa’s fascia (in the process, one will encounter the
        sac and the mass becomes tender and irreducible, then signs of intestinal   superficial epigastric and the external pudendal vessels, which may be
        obstruction will eventually occur. In such circumstances, there is usually   retracted aside, coagulated, or tied with a suture) until the aponeurosis
        no interference with the blood supply of the contents of the sac. Rectal   of the external oblique abdominal muscle (Figure 58.5B) is reached.
        examination  in  infants  and  small  children  may  be  diagnostic  if  the   After clearing it of overlying fat, the external inguinal ring is identified.
        incarcerated bowel is palpated at the internal inguinal ring.   At this stage, depending on the size of the hernia and the age of the
           Strangulation is said to arise when the obstruction progresses to cause   child, a decision is made whether to open the aponeurosis. In neonates
        compromise to the blood supply of the contents (e.g., bowel or omentum);   and  infants,  the  external  inguinal  ring  almost  overlies  the  internal
        then bowel infarction leading to severe tenderness of the bulge will occur,   inguinal ring, so there may not be the need to open the aponeurosis of
        and oedema and erythema of the overlying skin will appear. In such a   the external oblique muscle to get to the hernia. In large hernias, it is
        case, the child may pass a bout of one or two bloody stools.   advisable to incise the aponeurosis of the external oblique to open into
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