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                Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

                                                   Abdulrasheed A. Nasir
                                                    Emmanuel A. Ameh
                                                       Ashley Ridout

                          Demographics                         Test of Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
        Diseases of the thyroid gland were demonstrated to occur in 3.7% of  The test for thyrotropin-releasing hormones (TRH) is given intravenous-
        4,819 school-aged children at initial examination in the United States;   ly. The basal level of serum TSH is raised in a normal individual at 20
        in a followup examination 20 years later, the prevalence had increased   minutes and returned to normal in 120 minutes. In hypothyroidism, the
        to 10.5%.  About half of these are diffuse gland hypertrophy or simple   already elevated TSH shows a much higher rise, but there is no response
        goiter. Thyroiditis was the second most common abnormality, followed   in hyperthyroidism. This is known as the TRH stimulation test.
        by thyroid nodules and functional disorders. Malignant neoplasms are   Imaging
        exceedingly rare, with only two papillary thyroid carcinomas found in a   Several imaging modalities are available to assist in evaluating the thy-
        population of nearly 5,000 children followed up for three years. Data on   roid gland, among them ultrasonography (US), computed tomography
        thyroid diseases in African children are scanty. One series reported four   (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and scintigraphy.
        cases of thyroid tumours in children over a ten-year period in Enugu,   Ultrasonography
        Nigeria.  Three  of  these  were  adenomas  and  the  remaining  one  was
        a papillary carcinoma. All of the patients were girls younger than 10   Ultrasound imaging is very useful in the evaluation of thyroid disease
        years of age. Data from the United States, based on the National Cancer   and can determine whether a neck mass actually arises from the thyroid
        Registry, reported the annual incidence of thyroid tumours as 0.54 per   and whether multiple nodules are present. It allows differentiation of
        100,000 individuals. 3                                 solid and cystic lesions. It is useful in detection of thyroid nodules and
                                                               measurement of their volume. Goiter volume can be assessed precisely
                  Evaluation of Thyroid Diseases               with US and is a useful guide in the assessment of goiter shrinkage
        Assessment of Thyroid Function                         response under medical treatment. Although this modality can be used
        It is often necessary to determine whether a patient has a hyperactive,   in a clinical setting, it may not be appropriate for mass surveys.
        normal, or hypoactive thyroid function. A detailed history and careful   Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
        clinical examination will reveal the diagnosis.        A CT scan is useful in the study of the architecture of the thyroid gland
        Measurement of Thyroid Hormones in the Serum           and its relation to the surrounding organs. It can be useful in assessing
        Thyroid functional status can be established by estimating the serum   retrosternal extension of the thyroid. Pituitary or hypothalamic tumours
        thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, or thyrotro-  can be seen, as can metastatic lesions of thyroid carcinoma, which are
        pin), which are the most important diagnostic tests. Levels of free T    usually solitary. MRI provides a good soft tissue resolution and helps in
        and free T  in serum provide a better assessment of the thyroid status   further ascertaining the architecture of the thyroid gland.
        than total T  and T . The levels of T  and T  are decreased in hypothy-  Scintigraphy
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        roidism, and they are increased in hyperthyroidism. Free T  and TSH   Scintigraphy tests are based on the avidity or otherwise of the thyroid
        are the most common useful tests in paediatric thyroid disorders, but   to absorb or release the isotope of iodine or technetium and the dis-
        test results must be interpreted in conjunction with the child’s overall   tribution  of  the  isotope  within  the  gland.  Isotopic  scanning  provides
        clinical condition. T  levels usually need to be measured only when a   information on the size, shape, position, function, and possible nature
        patient is suspected of having hyperthyroidism but has normal T  lev-  of thyroid swelling. The uptake by the thyroid of a low dose of either
        els, particularly in cases of toxic nodule, multinodular goiter, or recur-  radioiodine  I or  I and technetium-99m pertechnetate will demon-
        rent Graves’ disease.  Graves’ disease is discussed later in this chapter.  strate the distribution of activity in the whole thyroid gland. The test is
           Thyrotropin is nearly always decreased in the hyperthyroid state and   of value in a toxic patient with a nodule or nodularity of the thyroid.
        elevated in hypothyroidism and is an extremely sensitive measure of   Localisation of overactivity in the gland will differentiate between a
        hypothyroid state. The plasma free T  level is a measure of biologically   toxic nodule with suppression of the remainder of the gland and toxic
        active  thyroid  hormone,  unaffected  by  protein  binding.  When  total   multinodularity  goiter  with  several  areas  of  increased  uptake  with
        plasma T  and T  are measured, it is necessary to consider the level of   important implications for therapy.  Scintigraphy may also be useful in
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        unbound biologically active hormone.                   detecting ectopic thyroid tissue or metastatic thyroid carcinoma.
        Serum Thyroid Antibodies                               Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy and Cytology
        The  autoantibody  status  is  important  in  determining  thyroid  autoim-  Thyroid tissue is obtained percutaneously with a 22–25-gauge needle
        mune  diseases.  Serum  thyroid  antibodies  are  frequently  elevated  in   attached to a 20-ml syringe fixed in a syringe holder. Fine needle aspira-
        autoimmune  thyroid  disorders. Approximately  80%  of  patients  with   tion (FNA) is useful in diagnosing papillary, medullary, and anaplastic
        Hashimoto’s  disease  have  elevated  antimicrosomal  autoantibodies,    carcinomas. There is small risk of false negative results. It is difficult
        and most patients with Graves’ disease have detectable thyroid-stimu-  to  differentiate  between  simple  and  malignant  follicular  tumours  by
        lating immunoglobulins. The presence of these antibodies is helpful in   FNA cytology.
        the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
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