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                                                    Key Summary Points
              1.  Salivary gland tumours in children are rare.   6.  Most lesions are self-limiting or require medical management.
              2.  Most salivary gland lesions in children are either inflammatory   7.  Surgical management is reserved for tumours and
                or vascular in origin.                              nonresolving lesions.
              3.  Classification of salivary gland diseases is complex but   8.  Facial nerve damage is the major morbidity in salivary gland
                important for management planning.                  surgery and should be avoided.
              4.  Major glands are more readily affected.
              5.  In Africa, investigation may be limited to ultrasound and fine
                needle aspiration.

                                                     Suggested Reading
               Abiose BO, Oyediji O, Ogunniyi J. Salivary gland tumours in Ibadan,   Jaber MA. Intraoral minor salivary gland tumours: a review of 75
                 Nigeria. A study of 295 cases. Afr J Med Sci 1990; 19(3):195–199.  cases in a Libyan population. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006:
               Adebayo ETO, Ajike SO, Adekeye EO. Tumours and tumour-like
                 lesions of the oral and perioral structures of Nigerian children. Int J   Kolude B, lawoyin JO, Akang EEU. Salivary gland neoplasms: a
                 Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001; 30:250–253.              21 year review of cases seen at the University College Hospital,
                                                                     Ibadan. Afr J Med Sci 2001; 30:95–98.
               Ajike SO, Adebayo AT, Adekeye EO. Minor salivary gland tumours in
                 Kaduna, Nigeria. Nig J Surg Res 2003; 5(3-4):100–105.  Malata CM, Camilleri IG, McLean NR, et al. Malignant tumours
                                                                     of the parotid gland: a 12-year review. Br J Plastic Surg 1997;
               Al-Khateeb T, Al Hadi Hamasha A, Almasari NM. Oral and
                 maxillofacial tumours in Northern Jordanian children and   50:600–608.
                 adolescents: a retrospective analysis over 10 years. Int J Oral   Malik, NA. Diseases of the salivary glands. In: Malik NA. Textbook of
                 Maxillofac Surg 2003; 32:78–83.                     Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1st ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical
                                                                     Publishers (P) Ltd., 2002, Pp 479–503.
               Al-Salam AH. Lymphangioma in infancy and childhood. Saudi Med J
                 2004; 25(4):466–469.                              Otoh EC, Mandong BM, Danfillo IS, Jalo PH. Salivary gland tumours:
                                                                     a 16 year review at Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria.
               Bentz BG, Hughes CA, Ludemann JP, Maddalazzo J. Masses of
                 salivary gland region in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck   Nig J Clinic Biomed Res 2006; 1(1):53–58.
                 2000; 126:135–139.                                Owotade FJ, Fatusi OA, Adebiyi KE, Ajike SO, Ukpong MO. Clinical
                                                                     experience with parotid gland enlargement in HIV infection:
               Bradly P, McCliand L, Mehta D. Paediatric salivary epithelial   a report of five cases in Nigeria. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005;
                 neoplasms. Otolaryngol 2007; 67:137–145.
               Callender DL, Frankenthaler RA, Luna MA, Lee SS, Goepfert H.
                 Salivary gland neoplasms in children. Act Otolarngol Head Neck   Shikhan AH, Johns ME. Tumours of the major salivary glands in
                 Surg 1992; 118:472–476.                             children. Head Neck Surg 1988; 10(4): 257–263.
                                                                   Yu GY; Li ZL; MA DQ; Zhang Y. Diagosis and treatment of epithelial
               Ethunandan M, Ethunandan A, Macpherson D, Conroy B, Pratt   salivary gland tumours in children and adolescents. Brit J Oral
                 C. Parotid neoplasm in children: experience of diagnosis and   Maxillofac Surg 2002; 20(5):389–392.
                 management in a district general hospital. Int J Oral Maxillofac
                 Surg 2003; 32:373–377.                            Zhao YF, Jio Y, Chen XM, Zhang WF. Clinical review of 580 ranulas.
                                                                     Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;
               Greene AK, Rogers GF, Mulliken JB. Management of parotid
                 haemangiomas in 100 children. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004;   98(3):281–287.
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