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                                                                                          Tuberculosis  115
          Computed Tomographic Scan                              Imaging Bacterial Infection with Infecton
          Ileocaecal tuberculosis is usually hyperplastic and well evaluated on   A new radioimaging agent, Tc-99m ciprofloxacin (Infecton) has been
          a  computed  tomography  (CT)  scan.  Circumferential  thickening  of   used to detect deep-seated bacterial infections, such as intraabdominal
          caecum and terminal ileum, adherent loops, large regional nodes, and   abscesses. Patients with suspected bacterial infection have been sub-
          mesenteric  thickening  can  together  form  a  mass  centred  around  the   jected  to  Infecton  imaging  and  microbiological  evaluation,  reporting
          ileocaecal junction. A CT scan can also pick up ulceration or nodularity   an overall sensitivity of 85.4% and a specificity of 81.7% for detecting
          within the terminal ileum, along with narrowing and proximal dilata-  infective  foci.   Sensitivity  was  higher  (87.6%)  in  microbiologically
          tion. Involvement around the hepatic flexure of the colon is common.   confirmed infections. Infecton may aid in the earlier detection and treat-
          Complications  of  perforation,  abscess,  and  obstruction  can  also  be   ment of deep-seated infections, and serial imaging with Infecton might
          seen. Tubercular ascitic fluid is of high attenuation value (25–45 HU)   be useful in monitoring clinical response and optimising the duration
          due to its high protein content. Thickened peritoneum and enhancing   of antimicrobial treatment.
          peritoneal nodules may be seen. A smooth peritoneum with minimal   Colonoscopy
          thickening and marked enhancement after contrast suggests tuberculous   Although the appearance is nonspecific, colonoscopy has been used for
          peritonitis,  whereas  nodular  and  irregular  peritoneal  thickening  sug-  the  diagnosis  of  colonic  or  ileocaecal  tuberculosis.  Most  commonly,
          gests the presence of peritoneal carcinomatosis.  Omental thickening   ulcers, strictures, or oedematous and polypoid mucosal folds are seen.
          is well seen often as an omental cake appearance. 22   Mucosal  pinkish  nonfriable  nodules  of  variable  sizes  with  ulcerations
            Lymph  nodes  may  be  interspersed.  The  four  patterns  of  contrast   in between the nodules in a discrete segment of colon, most often in the
          enhancement  of  tuberculous  lymph  nodes  on  the  contrast-enhanced   caecum, are pathognomic. Areas of strictures, pseudopolypoid oedema-
          CT  (CECT)  have  been  described  as  (in  order  of  frequency):  (1)   tous folds, and a deformed and oedematous ileocaecal valve may be seen.
          peripheral  rim  enhancement,  (2)  nonhomogenous  enhancement,  (3)   Multiple biopsies should be taken from the edge of the ulcers. The
          homogenous  enhancement,  and  (4)  homogenous  nonenhancement.    tissue  should  also  be  examined  for  AFB  smear  and  culture,  as  the
          Different patterns of contrast enhancement may be seen within the same   histology may not be characteristic.
          nodal group, possibly related to the different stages of the pathological   Endoscopic  biopsy  specimens  may  be  subjected  to  PCR  for
          process. Caseating lymph nodes are seen as having hypodense centres   detection  of AFB.   The  limitations  of  colonoscopic  biopsy  are  that
          and peripheral rim enhancement. The presence of nodal calcification   previous  antitubercular  therapy  can  alter  the  histology,  and  that
          in the absence of a known primary tumour in patients from endemic   granulomas are often found in the submucosa. Of 82 patients with GI
          areas suggests a tubercular aetiology. CT findings can help differentiate   tuberculosis, colonoscopy was diagnostic in only 47. 31
          it  from  other  inflammatory  and  neoplastic  diseases,  particularly   Laparoscopy
          lymphoma  and  Crohn’s  disease.   In  tuberculosis,  the  mesenteric,
          mesenteric  root,  celiac,  porta  hepatic,  and  peripancreatic  nodes  are   Laparoscopy  is  a  very  useful  investigation  in  doubtful  cases.  Visual
          characteristically  involved,  reflecting  the  lymphatic  drainage  of  the   appearances have been found to be more helpful than histology, culture,
          small bowel. The tuberculous involvement of the pancreas may show   or guinea pig inoculation.
          as well-defined hypoechoic areas on ultrasonography and as hypodense   The laparoscopic findings in peritoneal tuberculosis can be grouped
          necrotic  regions  within  the  enlarged  pancreas.  CT  is  more  accurate   into  three  categories:  (1)  thickened  peritoneum  with  tubercles,  (2)
          than  ultrasound  in  detecting  abnormalities  such  as  periportal  and   thickened  peritoneum  without  tubercles,  and  (3)  fibroadhesive
          peripancreatic  lymph  nodes  and  bowel  wall  thickening.  However,   peritonitis  with  markedly  thickened  peritoneum  and  multiple  thick
          bowel wall dilatation can be better appreciated on ultrasound than on a   adhesions fixing the viscera.
          CT scan. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), when compared to a CT   Markers for Treatment Response
          scan, provides no additional information. 25           ESR tends to fall with response to antitubercular treatment. A signifi-
          Cytology and Biochemistry of Ascitic Fluid             cant decrease in the concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), cerulo-
          The ascitic fluid in abdominal tuberculosis is clear or straw-coloured.   plasmin, haptoglobin, and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein has been seen with
          Its glucose concentration is less than 30 mg/dl, and its high protein con-  antitubercular treatment.
          tent is >3 g/dl, with a total cell count of 150–4000/cu mm, usually more   Differential Diagnosis
          than 1,000/cu mm (consisting predominantly of lymphocytes (>70%)).   Hypertrophic intestinal tuberculosis may mimic malignant neoplasms
          The ascites-to-blood glucose ratio is less than 0.96.  The serum ascitis   such as lymphoma or carcinoma. The ulcero-hypertrophic form may
          albumin gradient is less than 1.1 g/dl, and adenosine deaminase levels   mimic  inflammatory  bowel  disease.  The  nodal  form  may  closely
          are above 36 U/l. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is increased in tuber-  mimic lymphomas. The ascitic form can be difficult to distinguish from
          culous ascitic fluid due to the stimulation of T-cells by mycobacterial   malignant peritoneal disease and sometimes ascites due to chronic liver
          antigens. In coinfection with HIV, the ADA values can be normal or   disease. In cases of hepatosplenomegaly, all other causes need to be
          low. High interferon levels in tubercular ascitis have been found to be   excluded before considering a tubercular aetiology. Sometimes, when
          useful diagnostically. Combining both ADA and interferon estimations   all  investigations  are  negative  and TB  is  strongly  suspected,  a  lapa-
          may further increase the sensitivity and the specificity. The AFB smear   rotomy may be indicated.
          and culture are positive in only 10–15% cases, but the yield rises dra-    Treatment
          matically by culturing a litre of fluid concentrated by centrifugation.
          Fluorescent  staining  with  auramine-O  is  superior  to  Ziehl-Neelsen   Laparotomy
          staining with regard to the positivity and the ease of detection. In chil-  In circumstances where the clinical suspicion of intraabdominal disease
          dren, AFB may be recovered from stomach wash, keeping in mind that   is strong, but results of investigations are equivocal, a diagnostic lapa-
          scant saprophytic mycobacteria may also be present as normal flora.  rotomy may be a safer option for abdominal tuberculosis. Where clini-
            PCR  conducted  with  ascites  fluid  has  produced  DNA  sequences   cal suspicion is strong and imaging features are suggestive, a therapeu-
          compatible  with  tuberculosis.   PCR  can  be  a  rapid  and  reliable   tic trial of antitubercular treatment (ATT) may be justified. However,
          method for identification of peritoneal tuberculosis; acceleration of the   laparotomy is definitely indicated where the diagnosis is in doubt and
          diagnostic decision-making process prevents exposure to unnecessary   if the malignancy cannot be ruled out with certainty. In many patients,
          surgery and allows early initiation of antituberculosis treatment.  it may not be possible to rule out malignancy, even at laparotomy. A
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