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                                                                    Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care  57

          induction  begins. All  equipment,  including  the  anaesthetic  machine,   and  children,  the  higher  oxygen  requirements  per  kilogram  produce
          must be checked and confirmed to be working properly.  hypoxia more rapidly when there is airway obstruction. Perioperative
             Adequate preoperative preparation (including building rapport with   paediatric airway obstruction occurs commonly when the conscious-
          the patient) and the rational use of premedication will facilitate safe and   ness  level  is  depressed  and  the  airway  is  not  properly  positioned  to
          atraumatic induction of anaesthesia.                   maintain its patency.
          Induction of Anaesthesia                                        Airway Maintenance Equipment
          Like  premedication,  induction  of  anaesthesia  should  be  tailored  to   Paediatric airway equipment is usually designed to minimise trauma,
          the  individual  patient.  The  same  factors  used  to  determine  suitable   dead space, airway resistance, and rebreathing. Equipment for airway
          premedication  come  into  play  when  choosing  an  induction  method.   maintenance  includes  face  masks  (Figure  10.1),  oropharyngeal  and
          Inhalational and intravenous routes of induction are more common than   nasopharyngeal  airways  (Figure  10.2),  breathing  circuits  and  Ambu
          rectal and intramuscular routes, although ketamine can be used in the   bags, laryngoscopes, endotracheal tubes, and laryngeal mask airways.
          paediatric population when an IV line is not in place or not needed for   Face Masks
          a very short procedure such as a dressing change.
             Because  of  their  fear  of  needles,  inhalational  induction  is  most   Face masks come in different sizes (00 for neonates, 0 for infants, 1 for
          common for children up to 10 years of age (and perhaps even well into   small children, 2 for bigger children), shapes, and colours (see Figure
          the teenage years) who are undergoing elective surgery. This method   10.1). The neonatal face mask has minimal dead space and is designed
          is  particularly  useful  because  inhaled  anaesthetic  drugs  increase  in   to limit rebreathing. It must fit closely over the mouth and nose without
          concentration  in  the  alveoli  of  children  more  rapidly  than  they  do   obstructing the nares.
          in  adults.  Inhalational  induction  should  be  a  slow,  smooth  process   Breathing Circuits
          with  care  taken  to  keep  the  airway  patent  at  all  times.  Sevoflurane   The Ayre’s T-piece breathing circuit (Figure 10.3) is used for children
          is  replacing  halothane  as  the  agent  of  choice  because  it  appears  to   weighing  less  than  20  kg  because  it  is  a  low-resistance  circuit.  For
          have fewer cardiovascular side effects while being faster in onset and   children weighing more than 20 kg, an adult circuit (Bain or Magill)
          recovery.  However,  many  anaesthesia  care  providers  in  developing   can be used. The Ayre’s T-piece can be used for both spontaneous and
          countries may not have access to sevoflurane, and halothane will be   assisted ventilation.
          the  available  agent.  Halothane  in  the  hands  of  a  trained  paediatric
          anaesthesia  care  provider  will  allow  for  a  very  smooth  induction
          with  the  patient  ventilating  spontaneously,  but  very  careful  cardiac
          monitoring needs to be vigilantly performed.
             Intravenous induction is the method of choice when there is a pre-
          existing  IV  or  when  inhalational  induction  is  contraindicated  (e.g.,
          in  the  event  of  trauma  or  any  full  stomach  scenario).  Thiopentone,
          ketamine, and propofol remain the main induction agents. Etomidate,
          when  available,  can  also  be  useful.  Intramuscular  induction  is  often
          used  in  the  older  uncooperative  child  who  cannot  be  reasoned  with,   Figure 10.1: Various sizes of paediatric masks.
          such  as  a  child  with  autism  or  mental  retardation.  In  settings  where
          resources are limited, intramuscular ketamine can be useful for very
          short procedures such as circumcision and wound debridement.
             If the patient is cooperative, monitors are applied before induction;
          otherwise, they are put on as early as possible during induction and kept
          on until the patient is fully awake. The use of a precordial stethoscope
          and, if available, a pulse oximeter can provide sufficient monitoring
          for the induction period, allowing one to assess the airway and cardiac   Figure 10.2: Oropharyngeal airway.
          system with limited monitoring equipment.
          Maintenance of Anaesthesia
          The anaesthetic may be continued by using inhalational agents, intrave-
          nous agents (including muscle relaxants and opioids), or a combination
          of these agents in a balanced technique. During this stage, the airway
          is kept patent by either a face mask, a laryngeal mask airway (LMA),
          or an endotracheal tube.
                         Airway Management
          One of the greatest challenges in paediatric anaesthesia is the manage-
          ment of the airway, particularly in neonates. Combinations of anatomi-
          cal, physiological, and developmental factors conspire to make airway
          management  in  children  more  difficult  than  that  in  adults.  Normal   Figure 10.3: An Ayre’s T-piece.
          respiratory rates are 40 per minute in neonates and 20–30 per minute in
          infants. The smaller size of the paediatric airway means that any small   Laryngoscopes
          decrease in diameter, such as occurs from secretions, bronchconstric-
          tion,  oedema,  or  compression,  may  more  readily  lead  to  significant   The  relatively  high  position  and  inclination  of  the  larynx  in  infants
          airway  obstruction.  Respiration  is  mainly  diaphragmatic  in  infants;   make  a  straight  laryngoscope  blade  (e.g.,  the  Miller  0  (Figure  10.4)
          therefore, any slight abdominal distention will greatly embarrass respi-  or  the  infant  Magill)  a  good  choice,  whereas  children  older  than  1
          ration. Oxygen consumption in the neonate is approximately 7 ml/kg   year of age can generally be managed with a curved blade (e.g., size 2
          per minute, as opposed to 3–4 ml/kg per minute in the adult. For infants   Macintosh (Figure 10.5)).
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