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                          Cardiovascular Physiology

                                               and Support

                                                       Mark W. Newton
                                                       John R. Gosche
                                                        Laura Boomer

                             Introduction                        pericardial disease, end diastolic right ventricular filling pressure in the
          Failure of the circulatory system leads to organ dysfunction and ulti-  right ventricle is equivalent to diastolic atrial pressure and is reflected by
          mately to death. A basic understanding of the physiologic principles of   central venous pressure. In practice, unfortunately, direct measurements
          cardiovascular control is essential for early recognition and appropriate   of venous pressure may not always be available. Then indirect indicators
          treatment of cardiovascular dysfunction.               such as jugular venous distention and changes in blood pressure with
                   Cardiac Structure and Function                changes  in  patient  position  (i.e.,  orthostatic  hypotension)  should  be
                                                                 looked for, as they may reflect increased or decreased central venous
          The force required to pump blood throughout the circulatory system is   pressures affecting preload.
          generated by the heart. The arrangement of the four chambers of the   Afterload is the pressure against which the ventricles must contract
          human heart results in two parallel pumping mechanisms (an atrium   to eject blood from the heart. Thus, the afterload on the ventricles is
          plus a ventricle, each supplying a separate circulation) that are arranged   the pressure in the aorta for the left ventricle (or pulmonary main for
          in series. Due to this series arrangement, failure of one side of the heart   the right ventricle) throughout systole. In the normal heart, changes in
          usually ultimately results in dysfunction of the other. The force required   systolic pressure over the physiologic range do not significantly affect
          to pump blood is provided by the contraction of the cardiac muscle,   cardiac  output.  Only  at  extremes  of  pressure  does  afterload  impair
          and the valves between the cardiac chambers and at the outflow of the   cardiac output in the normally functioning heart. However, congenital
          ventricles assure that blood flows in the proper direction. Thus, failure   anomalies that result in obstruction of blood flow (e.g., coarctation of the
          of any of the cardiac valves due to either acquired or congenital defects   aorta, pulmonic stenosis) may create excessive afterload on the heart and
          can severely impair cardiac function.                  impair cardiac output, resulting in heart failure. Furthermore, in patients
            Cardiac  output  is  the  quantity  of  blood  pumped  by  the  heart  per   with poor cardiac function (e.g., myocarditis or valvular heart disease),
          unit of time. Cardiac output varies with body size and is proportional   the judicious use of vasodilators to decrease afterload may significantly
          to body surface area. Thus cardiac output is frequently normalised to   increase cardiac output.
          body surface area, which is referred to as the cardiac index. The normal   Contractility refers to the strength of cardiac muscle contraction and
          cardiac index per square meter of body surface area for the adult is   is measured as the change in ventricular pressure generated per unit of
          approximately 3.0 l/min. Normal cardiac index in the newborn infant   time. As noted previously, cardiac contractility is affected by preload
          is approximately 2.5 l/min. This value rapidly increases during early   due  to  the  Frank-Starling  relationship.  Cardiac  contractility  is  also
          childhood to about 4 l/min by 10 years of age.         influenced,  however,  by  the  autonomic  nervous  system.  Specifically,
            Cardiac output is the product of heart rate (contractions per minute)   increased sympathetic activity results in increased cardiac contractility,
          and  average  stroke  volume  (ml  per  contraction)  over  a  time  period.   whereas  increased  parasympathetic  activity  decreases  contractility.
          Stroke volume, in turn, is affected by changes in preload, afterload, and   Stimuli  that  increase  cardiac  contractility  are  said  to  have  a  positive
          contractility. During periods of inadequate cardiac output, alterations   inotropic  effect,  and  those  that  decrease  contractility  are  said  to  be
          in all of these variables should be sought and addressed to optimise   negative  inotropes.  Sympathetic  stimulation  increases  contractility  by
          cardiac function.                                      increasing  calcium  release  during  contractions  and  by  increasing  the
            Preload is the amount of blood in the ventricle at the end of diastole   sensitivity  of  myofilaments  to  calcium.  The  negative  inotropic  effect
          and reflects the venous return to the heart. Under normal circumstances,   of parasympathetic activity likely primarily results from loss of normal
          the  heart  pumps  whatever  amount  of  blood  enters  the  right  atrium   tonic  sympathetic  activity.  Unfortunately,  contractility  is  a  difficult
          without  a  backup  of  blood  in  the  atria.  This  physiologic  ability  to   variable  to  measure  in  clinical  practice.  One  option  for  assessing
          increase cardiac output is referred to as the Frank-Starling relationship   contractile function is to measure ejection fraction by echocardiography.
          and  reflects  improved  interdigitation  of  actin  and  myosin  filaments,   The final variable that impacts cardiac output is heart rate. Changes in
          resulting  in  optimal  force  generation  during  contraction.  This  ability   heart rate primarily reflect changes in autonomic nervous activity, with
          to increase contractile force even occurs in the weakened heart. Thus,   sympathetic stimulation increasing heart rate (i.e., positive chronotrope)
          increasing  blood  volume  by  giving  a  fluid  bolus  or  transfusion  may   and  parasympathetic  stimulation  decreasing  heart  rate  (i.e.,  negative
          improve  cardiac  output  and  perfusion  even  in  patients  with  known   chronotrope).  Heart  rate  is  also  affected  by  intrinsic  mechanisms,
          cardiac dysfunction.                                   however. For instance, stretch of the right atrial wall during increases in
            Of course, there are physiologic limits beyond which increasing end   venous return causes an increase in the heart rate by as much as 10–30%.
          diastolic  volume  results  in  excessive  stretch  of  the  myocardial  fibres   Increases  in  heart  rate  generally  correlate  with  increases  in  cardiac
          and decreases contractile force. This circumstance is seldom observed   output, but beyond critical levels, further changes in heart rate may have
          in patients with normal cardiac function, but may develop in patients   the opposite effect on cardiac output. As an example, at very high rates
          with cardiac failure due to ischaemia, valvular disease, myocarditis, or   above a critical level, stroke volume decreases, thereby limiting cardiac
          congenital  cardiac  anomalies.  In  the  absence  of  valvular  disease  and   output. Decreased stroke volume at high heart rates results from limited
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