Page 94 - Asterisk™: The Future of Telephony
P. 94

• The About to Install screen is displayed, giving you an opportunity to delay or
                     abort the installation process. If you are ready to continue with the installation,
                     click Next.
                10. The Installing Packages screen is displayed.
                   • While AsteriskNOW is being installed, the Installing Packages screen will be
                     displayed. The installation will continue for a few minutes.
                   • Once the installation is complete, the system will prompt you to reboot. Remove
                     the installation disk you created, and click Reboot. After rebooting, a URL to
                     access the Asterisk GUI will be displayed.

               Accessing the GUI

               Once you have completed your installation and rebooted your machine, you will be
               able to access the Asterisk GUI. The URL used to access the Asterisk GUI is the IP
               address or hostname displayed after rebooting your machine. Enter this IP address in
               your browser URL. You will be able to refine your AsteriskNOW installation by ac-
               cessing the Asterisk GUI.

               Alternate Installations
               You can also try out AsteriskNOW using the available VMware Player image (http://
     ,  Xen  universal  guest  domain  image  (http://wi
      or the LiveCD (just burn
               and  boot).  All  alternate  installations  can  be  downloaded  from  the  AsteriskNOW
               download ( page.

               Note: When using the LiveCD, the default username is “admin” with “password” as
               the password.

               For More Information

               An AsteriskNOW Users’ Guide is currently under development by the Asterisk com-
               munity on the Asterisk Forums. For additional information on AsteriskNOW, includ-
               ing step-by-step installation screenshots and configuration screenshots showing the
               setup wizard, please refer to, and visit the Asterisk Forums
               at For more information and help with rPath Linux, please
               see rPath’s wiki,

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