Page 2 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 2

The Brooder Hatcher.

                  Our Brooder-Hatcher is designed to do doi'ble duty and meet tiie reqirements
             of all classes of poultry raisers, the ones raising but a few chickens annually, as
             well as the large  breeder raising thousands.  They have some advantages over
             our regular Hatchers for hatching, as they  will stand a greater variation of tem-
             perature in the room in which they are operated, as the nest  is protected by the
                 This machine is the result of many  year's work  and  experiments to  bring
             about the desired conditions, maldng one lamp do double duty and at the same
             time to have a machine constructed in a way to do successfully the work artifici=
             ally and at the same time to carry out the natural laws of incubation and brooding.
                           Two Machines Coitqilete In One, Price $7.50
                                                      Cambridgh, N. Y., Nov,  12, 1906.
              Cycle Hatcher Company,
                 Gentlemen:—The combined brooder-hatcher I purchased of you  last spring
              is certainly all you claim  it to be.  The first time we operated it we put in 49
              eggs.  After the 6th day we tested out 7 and replaced them with 9  fresh  eg-g-s.
              The first lot hatched out 40 chicks and the 9 egfg-s, put in after the machine had
              been running a weeli, hatched 7 chickens. The next time wc put in 50 eggs and
              tested out 6 and one that was cracked and Iialcbed 40 c-hickeiis from the  4.3
              eggs.  Chicks were brooded in  tlie niauhiue at  tlie same time  tlie eg-g,s were
              incubating, doing double duty with the one lamp. We think  the "Cycle"  is
              the best machine on the market.
                                             Very truly yours,  H. V. Bump.

              Cycle Hatcher Co.,           418 William St., Elmira, N. Y.
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