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and maintaining  a holy familiarity with the great Jehovah. Methought I saw  one  talking with
               God.  Methought  I saw  a spiritual  merchant  in a heavenly  exchange,  driving  a  rich trade
               for  the  treasures  of  another world. Oh, what a glorious  sight it was! Methinks  I see him
               still. How sweetly  did his face shine!  Oh, with what a lovely  countenance  did he walk up
               and down—his lips going, his body oft reaching up, as if he would have  taken  his flight into
               heaven!  His looks,  smiles,  and every  motion spake him to be upon the very confines of
               glory. Oh, had one but known what he was then feeding on! Surely he had meat to eat which
               the world knew not of!" This is to live indeed. What a rebuke to our cold devotions! This is
               walking with God.

               The biographer of the Rev. W.H. Hewitson begins his memoir thus: "'To restore a
               commonplace truth,' writes Mr. Coleridge, 'to its first uncommon luster, you need only
               translate it into action.' Walking with God is a very commonplace truth. Translate this truth
               into action—how lustrous it becomes! The phrase, how hackneyed!—the thing, how rare! It
               is such a walk—not an abstract ideal, but a personality, a life—which the reader is invited to
               contemplate in the subject of this memoir." Oh, that we  would  only  set  ourselves  in  right
               earnest  to  this  rare  work  of


               It is said of the energetic, pious, and successful John Berridge, that "communion  with God
               was what he enforced in the latter stages of his ministry. It was, indeed, his own meat and
               drink, and the banquet from which he never appeared to rise." This shows us the source of his
               great strength.  If  we  were  always  sitting  at  this  banquet,  then  it  might  be recorded  of
               us ere long, as of him, "He was in the first year visited by about a thousand persons under
               serious impressions."

               To the men even more than to their doctrine we would point the eye of the inquirer  who asks,
               Whence  came their success?  Why, may not the same  success  be  ours?  We  may  take  the
               sermons  of  Whitefield  or Berridge or Edwards for our study or our pattern, but it is the
               individuals themselves that we must mainly set before us; it is with the spirit of the men,
               more  than  of  their  works,  that  we  are  to  be  imbued,  if  we  are emulous of a ministry as
               powerful, as victorious as theirs. They were spiritual men, and walked with God. It is living
               fellowship with a living Saviour which, transforming us into His image, fits us for being able
               and successful  ministers  of the gospel.  Without  this nothing  else will avail. Neither
               orthodoxy, nor learning, nor eloquence, nor power of argument, nor zeal,  nor fervor,  will
               accomplish  aught  without  this. It is this that gives power to our words and persuasiveness
               to our arguments, making them  either  as  the  balm  of  Gilead  to  the  wounded  spirit  or as
               sharp arrows of the mighty to the conscience of the stout-hearted  rebel. From them that walk
               with Him in holy, happy intercourse, a virtue seems to go forth, a blessed fragrance seems to
               compass them whithersoever they go. Nearness  to  Him,  intimacy  with  Him, assimilation
               to  His  character— these are the elements of a ministry of power. When we can
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