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know  the way of salvation.  It has been frequently   said   that   "the   way   to  heaven   is
               blocked   up  with   dead professors"; but is it not true also that the melancholy obstruction is
               not composed of members of churches only? Let us take heed unto ourselves!

               As the minister's life is in more than one respect the life of a ministry, let us speak a few
               words on ministerial holy living.

               Let  us  seek  the  Lord  early.  "If  my  heart  be  early  seasoned  with  his presence, it will
               savor of him all day after." (Bishop Hall; Psalm 5:4, vide Hebrew) Let us see God before man
               every day. "I ought to pray before seeing any one. Often when I sleep long, or meet with
               others early, and then have family prayer and breakfast and forenoon callers, it is eleven or
               twelve o'clock before I begin secret prayer. This is a wretched system. It is unscriptural.
               Christ  rose  before  day,  and  went  into  a  solitary  place… Family-prayer loses much of
               power and sweetness; and I can do no good to those who come to seek for me. The
               conscience  feels guilty, the soul unfed, the lamp not trimmed. Then, when secret prayer
               comes, the soul is often out of tune. I feel it far better to begin with God, to see His face first,
               to get my soul near Him before it is near another…It  is best to have at least one hour alone
               with God before engaging  in anything  else. At the same  time,  I  must  be  careful  not  to
               reckon  communion  with  God  by minutes or hours, or by solitude." (M'Cheyne)

               Hear this true servant of Christ exhorting a beloved brother: "Take heed to thyself. Your own
               soul is your first and greatest care. You know a sound body alone can work with power,
               much more a healthy soul. Keep a clear conscience through the blood of the Lamb. Keep up
               close communion with God. Study likeness to Him in all things. Read the Bible for your own
               growth first, then for your people."

               "With  him,"  says  his  biographer,  "the  commencement  of  all  labor

               invariably consisted in the preparation of his own soul. The forerunner of each  day's
               visitations  was  a  calm  season  of  private  devotion  during morning   hours.   The   walls
               of   his   chamber   were   witnesses   of   his prayerfulness  I believe of his tears as well as of
               his cries. The pleasant sound  of  psalms  often  issued  from  his  room  at  an  early  hour;
               then followed the reading of the Word for his own sanctification: and few have so fully
               realized  the blessing  of the first psalm."  Would that it were so with us all! "Devotion," said
               Bishop Hall, "is the life of religion, the very soul of piety, the highest employment  of grace.
               It is much to be feared that  "we  are  weak  in  the  pulpit  because  we  are  weak  in  the
               closet." (James.)

               Let  us  see  communion  with  God  as  manifested  in  a  youth  of  about twenty.  James
               Janeway  writes  of his brother  John:  "I once hid myself that I might take the more exact
               notice of the intercourse  that I judged was kept up between him and God. But oh, what a
               spectacle did I see! Surely a man walking  with God, conversing  intimately  with his Maker,
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