Page 2 - Organogold Reactivity with Palladium, Nickel, and Rhodium: Transmetalation, Cross-Coupling, and Dual Catalysis
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Organogold Dual Metal Catalysis Hirner et al.

          TABLE 1. Representative Pd- and Au-Cocatalyzed Carbostannylation Products

          goldcarbon σ-bond remains an underdeveloped field,                                        14,15
                                                               SCHEME 1. Contrast between the Pd-Only Catalyzed  and Au/Pd
          limited primarily to electrophilic trapping 79  and carbene  Dual-Catalyzed Carbostannylation of Alkynes 13
          insertion. 10  Concurrent with our work, Au-only cross-
          coupling reactivity has expanded the functionalization pos-
          sibilites by employing Au(I)/Au(III) catalysis. 11  We reasoned
          that dual transition metal reactions would provide reactivity
          complementary to that which is already available though
          conventional functionalization methods.
            In many instances, the challenges inherent in turning
          over two catalysts simultaneously have necessitated first
          studying related processes that are stoichiometric in gold.
          Developing the fundamental reactivity of organogold com-  Hiyama provides predominately double-addition pro-
          pounds with other transition metals has therefore become  ducts, 14,15  while our dual-catalyzed reaction is completely
          the pivotal step in connecting two catalytic cycles in the  selective for monoaddition (Scheme 1). Attempted carbo-
          design of new dual-catalytic reactivity. Mechanistic investi-  stannylation of alkynes in the presence of gold catalyst but
          gations have accompanied the development of these reac-  in the absence of palladium did not produce any product. 16
          tions to provide broader insight into dual transition metal  These results provided our first demonstration that dual-
          turnover and activation strategies, knowledge which facil-  metal catalyzed reactions involving gold allowed for reac-
          itates the design of future reactions.               tivity and selectivity different from that available to their
                                                               single-metal catalyzed counterparts.
          II. Au and Pd Dual-Catalyzed Carbostannyla-             The treatment of alkynes 1ae with stannanes 2ae in
          tion of Alkynes                                      the presence of Pd and Au cocatalysts afforded tri- and
          The CC bond-forming capability of Pd suggested this metal  tetrasubstituted olefin carbostannylation products 3ae with
          as an appropriate starting point for our study of the reactivity  excellentregio-andstereoselectivity(Table1).Ourstudiesinto
          of Au with other transition metals. The wealth of knowledge  the mechanism of this transformation later led to a proposal
          regarding Pd organometallic transformations 12  allowed for  that involved a AuC σ-bond intermediate.
          fewer unknown steps while maximizing the opportunities to
          predict and intercept well-established intermediates. We  III. Mechanism of Dual-Catalyzed Carbostan-
          postulated that the dual usage of Au and Pd catalysts could  nylation: Intermediacy of a AuC σ -Bond
          effect a carbostannylation reaction wherein a SnC bond  After developing the Pd and Au dual-catalyzed carbostan-
          could be broken and added across a CC multiple bond. 13  nylation reaction, we elucidated the specific role of each
            We tested our hypothesis by examining the Pd/Au dual-  metal catalyst building on a previous working hypothesis. 17
          catalyzed addition of organostannanes across electron-  Our proposed mechanism elaborates substrate 1 in three
          deficient alkynes (Table 1). Notably, the Pd-only catalyzed  steps: (i) migratory insertion of alkyne 1 into organopalladium
          vinylstannylation of alkynes developed by Shirakawa and  intermediate 5; (ii) transmetalation to Au to afford vinylgold

          604 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 603–613 ’ 2011 ’ Vol. 44, No. 8
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