Page 5 - The Effects of Confinement inside Carbon Nanotubes on Catalysis
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Effects of Confinement inside CNTs on Catalysis Pan and Bao

          FIGURE 5. (a) Ammonia synthesis activity and (b) particle size distributions of Ru-in and Ru-out.

          FIGURE 6. The differential electron density isosurfaces of (a) Ru 6 -out and (b) Ru 6 -in. The insets show the cross-section of a full nanotube model. The
          gray balls represent the carbon atoms and red bars the RuRu bonds. The blue and yellow areas suggest enriched and depleted electron density,
          respectively, with respect to free-standing clusters.

          over Ru-in was in the range of (1.62.6)  10 4 1  at 400 °C  that the Ru 6 -out cluster donated 1.66 electrons to the CNT
          and 20 mL min 1  flow rate in the pressure range of 1  convex surface whereas the inside cluster transferred 2.41
          4 MPa. Remarkably, TOFs over Ru-out were much higher  electrons to the concave surface. This is consistent with the
          (Figure 5a). 20  TEM and chemisorption experiments con-  electron structure of CNTs. Deviation from planarity causes
          firmed that the particle size of Ru-in and Ru-out was  π-electron density to shift from the concave interior to the
          similar, with ∼90% particles falling in the range of 25nm  convex exterior surface. 32,33  Thus, the outside metal cluster
          (Figure 5b). Even after reaction, the particle size distribution  donates less electrons to the relatively electron-enriched
          only changed slightly, indicating that both catalysts were  exterior surface than the inside cluster to the electron-
          rather stable under reaction conditions.             deficient interior surface. These results could explain the
            Adsorption microcalorimetry showed that the initial dif-  higher ammonia synthesis activity over Ru-out than over Ru-
          ferential heat for CO adsorption on Ru-out was 12 kJ/mol  in since a higher electron density facilitates the electrophilic
          higher than that over Ru-in. 20  This implied stronger adsorp-  process of N 2 dissociative adsorption. 34
          tion sites for CO on Ru-out. The different strength of adsorp-  On the other hand, it was recently reported that ammonia
          tion sites was most likely related to the electron density on  decomposition benefits from confinement of the bimetal
          metal surfaces since Ru-in and Ru-out had a similar particle  CoFe 5 inside CNTs with 40 nm average i.d. (CoFe 5 -in). 35  TEM
          size. This was corroborated by first principles calculations. 20  indicated that 96 wt % particles of CoFe 5 -in were located
          Figure 6 shows the differential electron density isosurfaces  inside the channels and CoFe 5 -out had 73 wt % located on
          of a Ru 6 cluster inside (Ru 6 -in) and outside (Ru 6 -out)of a  the outside. The two fresh catalysts exhibited a similar
          SWCNT(10,10). 20  Mulliken population analysis indicated  particle size distribution and the same CoFe 2 O 4 (311) planes.

                                                                   Vol. 44, No. 8 ’ 2011 ’ 553–562 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 557
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