Page 91 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 91
9.2 Keeping the Objectives Separate 77
Pareto Front
y A 1 Non dominated
B 3
Figure 9.1: Two-dimensional example of Pareto optimality and the Pareto
front, where the goal is to maximise along both the x and y axes. Solutions
A and B do not dominate each other. However, solution B is dominated by
solution 2. (Adapted from (Langdon, 1998).)
The main idea in MOO is the notion of Pareto dominance. Given a set
of objectives, a solution is said to Pareto dominate another if the first is not
inferior to the second in all objectives, and, additionally, there is at least one
objective where it is better. This notion can lead to a partial order, where
there is no longer a strict linear ordering of solutions. In Figure 9.1, for
example, individual A dominates (is better than) individual B along the y
axis, but B dominates A along the x axis. Thus there is no simple ordering
between then. The individual marked ‘2’, however dominates B on both
axes and would thus be considered strictly better than B.
In this case the goal of the search algorithm becomes the identification of
a set of solutions which are non-dominated by any others. Ideally, one would
want to find the Pareto front, i.e., the set of all non-dominated solutions in
the search space. However, this is often unrealistic, as the size of the Pareto
front is often limited only by the precision of the problem representation. If
x and y in Figure 9.1 are real-valued, for example, and the Pareto front is
a continuous curve, then it contains an infinite number of points, making a
complete enumeration impossible.
9.2.1 Multi-objective Bloat and Complexity Control
Rodriguez-Vazquez, Fonseca, and Fleming (1997) performed non-linear sys-
tem identification using a MO GP system, where individuals were selected
based on the Pareto dominance idea. The two objectives used were fitness
and model complexity. In each generation individuals were ranked based on
how many other individuals dominated them, and fitness was based on their
rank. To better cover the Pareto front, niching via fitness sharing (Gold-
berg, 1989) was also performed. Preference information was also included