Page 89 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 89

Chapter 9


            Genetic Programming

            The area of multi-objective GP (MO GP) has been very active in the last
            decade. In a multi-objective optimisation (MOO) problem, one optimises
            with respect to multiple goals or fitness functions f 1 , f 2 , .... The task of a
            MOO algorithm is to find solutions that are optimal, or at least acceptable,
            according to all the criteria simultaneously.
               In most cases changing an algorithm from single-objective to multi-
            objective requires some alteration in the way selection is performed. This is
            how many MO GP systems deal with multiple objectives. However, there
            are other options. We review the main techniques in the following sections.
               The complexity of evolved solutions is one of the most difficult things
            to control in evolutionary systems such as GP, where the size and shape of
            the evolved solutions is under the control of evolution. In some cases, for
            example, the size of the evolved solutions may grow rapidly, as if evolution
            was actively promoting it, without any clear benefit in terms of fitness. We
            will provide a detailed discussion of this phenomenon, which is know as bloat,
            and a variety of counter measures for it in Section 11.3. However, in this
            chapter we will review work where the size of evolved solutions has been
            used as an additional objective in multi-objective GP systems. Of course,
            we will also describe work where other objectives were used.

            9.1    Combining Multiple Objectives into a
                   Scalar Fitness Function

            When given multiple fitness functions, it is natural to think of combining
            them in some way so as to produce an aggregate scalar fitness function. For

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