Page 159 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 159
Appendix A
The field of GP took off in the early 1990’s, driven in significant part by
the publication of (Koza, 1992). Those early days were characterised by the
exponential growth common in the initial stages of successful technologies.
Many influential papers from that period can be found in the proceedings
of the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-93, ICGA-
95), the IEEE conferences on Evolutionary Computation (EC-1994), and
the Evolutionary Programming conferences. A surprisingly large number
of these are now available on-line, and we’ve included as many URLs as
we could in the bibliography. After almost twenty years, GP has matured
and is used in a wondrous array of applications from banking to betting,
from bomb detection to architectural design, from the steel industry to the
environment, from space to biology, and many others (as we have seen in
Section 12).
In 1996 it was possible to list almost all the studies and applications of
GP (Langdon, 1996), but today the range is far too great. In this appendix
we will review some of the wide variety of available sources on GP which
should assist readers who wish to explore further. Consulting information
available on the Web is certainly a good way to get quick answers for someone
who wants to know what GP is. These answers, however, will often be too
shallow for someone who really wants to then apply GP to solve practical
problems. People in this position should probably invest some time going
through more detailed accounts; some of the key books in the field include
(Banzhaf, Nordin, Keller, and Francone, 1998a; Koza, 1992; Langdon and
Poli, 2002), and others are listed in Section A.1. Technical papers in the
extensive GP literature may be the next stage. Although this literature is
easily accessible thanks to the complete on-line bibliography (Langdon et al.,
1995-2008), newcomers will often need to be selective in what they read. The
1 Each included URL was tested and was operational at the time of writing.