Page 24 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
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xxiv                                                         CONTENTS

                                                • In Beta Stage is when all or almost all of the chapters have been written and
                                                 are at least in a draft stage; and

                                                • In Gamma Stage is when all the chapters are written and some of the chap-
                                                 ters are in a mature form.

                                                • The Advanced Stage is when all of the basic material is written and all that is
                                                 left are aspects that are active, advanced topics, and special cases.

                                            The mature stage of a chapter is when all or nearly all of the sections are in a
                                            mature stage and have a mature bibliography as well as mature and numerous
                                            examples for every section. The mature stage of a section is when all of the topics
                                            in the section are written, and all of the examples and data (tables, figures, etc.)
                                            are already presented. While some terms are defined in a relatively clear fashion,
                                            other definitions give merely a hint on the status. But such a thing is hard to define
                                            and should be enough for this stage.
                                                     The idea that a book can be created as a project has mushroomed from
                                            the open source software concept, but it has roots in the way science progresses.
                                            However, traditionally books have been improved by the same author(s), a process
                                            in which books have a new version every a few years. There are book(s) that
                                            have continued after their author passed away, i.e., the Boundary Layer Theory
                                            originated by Hermann Schlichting but continues to this day. However, projects
                                            such as the Linux Documentation project demonstrated that books can be written
                                            as the cooperative effort of many individuals, many of whom volunteered to help.
                                                     Writing a textbook is comprised of many aspects, which include the ac-
                                            tual writing of the text, writing examples, creating diagrams and figures, and writing
                                            the LT X macros which will put the text into an attractive format. These chores can
                                            be done independently from each other and by more than one individual. Again,
                                            because of the open nature of this project, pieces of material and data can be used
                                            by different books.

                                              6 Originally authored by Dr. Schlichting, who passed way some years ago. A new version is created
                                            every several years.
                                              7 One can only expect that open source and readable format will be used for this project. But more
                                            than that, only L A T X, and perhaps troff, have the ability to produce the quality that one expects for these
                                            writings. The text processes, especially L A T X, are the only ones which have a cross platform ability to
                                            produce macros and a uniform feel and quality. Word processors, such as OpenOffice, Abiword, and
                                            Microsoft Word software, are not appropriate for these projects. Further, any text that is produced by
                                            Microsoft and kept in “Microsoft” format are against the spirit of this project In that they force spending
                                            money on Microsoft software.
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