Page 178 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 178

140                                           CHAPTER 9. FANNO FLOW

                                             Furtherer rearranging equation (9.16) results in


                                                                                                  in term of the Mach

                                            number and substituting into equation (9.17). Derivative of mass conservation

                                            (9.2) results
                                             It is convenient to relate expressions of (	  ) and

                                             The derivation of the equation of state (9.6) and dividing the results by equation of

                                            state (9.6) results


                                             Derivation of the Mach identity equation (9.14) and dividing by equation (9.14)



                                             Dividing the energy equation (9.4) by        and utilizing definition Mach number



                                             Equations (9.17), (9.18), (9.19), (9.20), and (9.21) need to be solved. These

                              This equation is obtained by
                              combining the definition of

                              Mach number with equation equations are separable so one variable is a function of only single variable (the

                              of state and mass conserva-
                              tion. Thus, the original limita- chosen independent variable). Explicit explanation is provided only two variables,
                              tions must be applied to the
                              resulting equation.                                                         , is chosen
                                            rest can be done in similar fashion. The dimensionless friction,
                                            causes the change in the other variables.

                                            as independent variable since the change in the dimensionless resistance,
                                                   Combining equations (9.19) and (9.21) when eliminating 
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