Page 177 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 177

9.2. MODEL                                                          139

         It is convenient to substitute        but it is referred to the same hydraulic
         diameter. The infinitesimal area that shear stress is acting on is
                                     for of

         Introducing the Fanning friction factor as a dimensionless friction factor which

         some times referred to as friction coefficient and reads as following:

                                           ' )
         Utilizing equation (9.2) and substituting equation (9.10) into momentum equation

         (9.6) yields


                Dividing equation (9.11) by the cross section area,    and rearranging


         The second law is the last equation to be utilized to determine only the flow direc-


         9.2.1  Dimensionalization of the equations
         Before solving the above equation a dimensionless process is applied. Utilizing
         the definition of the sound speed to produce the following identities for perfect gas


         Utilizing the definition of the ideal gas results


         Utilizing the identify in equation (9.14) and substituting it into equation (9.11) and

         after some rearrangement yields      %

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