Page 158 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 158
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Fig. 8.1: Control volume for isothermal flow
The momentum equation written as following
wetted area
where is the cross section area (it doesn’t have to be a perfect circle a close
Perhaps more quantitative enough shape is sufficient.). The shear stress is the force per area that acts on
discussion about how “circu-
lar” the shape should be. is the area that shear stress
acts on. The second of thermodynamics reads
the fluid by the tube wall on the fluid. The
The mass conservation is reduced to
Again it is assumed that the gas is a perfect gas and therefore, equation of
state expressed as following:
8.2 Dimensionless Representation
In this section the equations are transformed into the dimensionless form and pre-
sented in a dimensionless form. First it must be recalled that the temperature is
it seems obvious to write this constant and therefor, equation of state reads
equation perhaps to consult
with others.