Page 132 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 132

94                                         CHAPTER 5. NORMAL SHOCK

                                            is accelerated in very rapid way and air adjoint to piston is flowing in Mach number
 % . Calculate what is the velocity of the shock created by the piston in the

                                            length. Assume that there is no friction and Fanno flow model is not applicable.
                                            air? Calculate the time the shock it take to reach to the end of the tube of

                                            5.4    Shock Tube
                                            The Shock tube is a
                                                                         5  expansion  4  3  2         1
                                            study tool with very lit-     front
                                            tle practical purposes
                                            which is used in many                 Diaphragm
                                            cases to understand
                                            certain phenomena. Other
                                            situations can be ex-         some where                     reflective
                                                                          reflective wave                shock
                                            amined and extended                                          wave
                                            from this phenomena.
                                            A cylinder with two
                                            chambers connected by     t 1        back  Contact Surface
                                            a diaphragm.   In one           front                    shock wave
                                            side the pressure is
                                            high while the pres-
                                            sure in the other side
                                            is low.  When the di-
                                            aphragm is rupture the  Fig. 5.10: The shock tube schematic with pressure ”diagram”
                                            gas from the high pres-
                                            sure is flowing into the low pressure section. When the pressure is high enough
                                            shock is created that is travels to the low pressure chamber. This is the same
                                            case as was study in suddenly open valve described before. In the back of the
                                            shock expansion waves occur with reduction of the pressure. The temperature has
                                            known to reach several thousands for very brief time. The high pressure chamber
                                            referred in the literature as the driver section and the low section is referred as the
                                            expansion section.
                                                   Initially the gas from the driver section is coalescing of small shock waves
                                            into a large shock wave. In this analysis, it is assumed that this time is essentially
                                            zero. Zone 1 is undisturbed gas and zone 2 is area where the shock already
                                            passed. Due to the assumption that the shock is very sharp with zero width. On the
                                            other side, the explanation waves are moving into the high pressure chamber i.e.
                                            driver section. The shock is moving in supersonic speed (depend on the definition
                                            i.e what reference temperature is used used) and the medium behind shock is
                                            also moving but in velocity,   which can be supersonic or subsonic in stationary
                                            coordinates. The velocities in the expansion chamber are varied between three
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