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9.      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Guidelines for Preventing the
                         transmission of mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities, 1994; MMWR
                         October 26, 1994  Vol. 43, No. RR-13.

          D.     Action.  OSHA Regional Administrators and Area Directors will use this instruction to ensure
                 uniformity when performing inspections for occupational exposures to tuberculosis (TB).  The
                 Directorate of Compliance Programs will provide support as necessary to assist the Regional
                 Administrators and Area Directors in enforcing this directive.   Issuance of this directive cancels
                 the  Memorandum to Regional Administers dated October 8, 1993, and entitled Enforcement
                 Policy and Procedures for Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis.

          E.     Federal Program Change.  This is a federal program change which impacts state programs.

                 1.      The Regional Administrator (RA) will ensure that this change is promptly forwarded to
                         each state designee using a format consistent with the Plan Change Two-way
                         Memorandum in Appendix A, State Plan Policies and  Procedures Manual (SPM).

                 2.      The RA shall explain the content of this change to the state designee as required.

                 3.      The state shall respond to this change within 70 days in accordance with paragraph
                         I.1.a.(2).(a). and (b)., Part I, Chapter III of the SPM.

                 4.      The state’s acknowledgment shall include (a) the state’s plan to adopt and implement an
                         identical change, (b) the state’s plan to develop an alternative, which is as effective, or the
                         reasons why no change is  necessary to maintain a program which is as effective.  The
                         state shall submit a plan supplement within six months in accordance with I.1.a.(3).(c).,
                         Part I, Chapter III of the SPM.

                 5.      The RA shall advise state designees of the following:

                         a.     In order to ensure a sound and consistent national enforcement and litigation
                                strategy in relation to complex issues addressed by this instruction, state
                                implementation of the procedures in this instruction, or comparable state
                                procedures, must be carefully coordinated with OSHA.

                         b.     The state is also responsible for extending coverage under its procedures for
                                addressing occupational exposure to tuberculosis to the public sector employees in
                                workplaces covered by this instruction.

                         c.     The Directorate of Technical Support is available to assist the states in locating
                                expert witnesses (see paragraph M., expert witnesses).  Also, the Directorate of
                                Compliance Programs will provide support to the states through the RA to assist
                                in the enforcement of this directive.

                 6.      The RA shall review policies, instructions, and guidelines issued by the state to determine
                         that this change has been communicated to state compliance personnel.

          F.     Definitions.  For a complete list of definitions applicable to tuberculosis please refer to the list of
                 definitions in the 1994  CDC guidelines found in Appendix A beginning on page 113.

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