Page 5 - Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
P. 5

Some providers, physicians, and suppliers waive their charges for individuals of limited
                   means, but they also expect to be paid where the patient has insurance which covers the
                   items or services they furnish.  In such a situation, because it is clear that a patient would
                   be charged if insured, a legal obligation to pay exists and benefits are payable for services
                   rendered to patients with medical insurance if the provider, physician, or supplier
                   customarily bills all insured patients - not just Medicare patients - even though non-
                   insured patients are not charged.

                   Individuals with conditions which are the subject of a research project may receive
                   treatment financed by a private research foundation.  The foundation may establish its
                   own clinic to study certain diseases or it may make grants to various other organizations.
                   In most cases, the patient is not expected to pay for treatment out-of-pocket, but if the
                   patient has insurance, the parties expect that the insurer will pay for the services.  In this
                   situation, a legal obligation is considered to exist in the case of a Medicare patient even
                   though other patients may not have insurance and are not charged.

                   40.3 - Medicare Patient Has Other Health Coverage
                   (Rev. 1, 10-01-03)
                   A3-3152.C, HO-260.2.C

                   Payment is not precluded under Medicare if the patient is covered by another health
                   insurance plan or program, which is obligated to provide or pay for the same services.

                   However, Medicare does not pay until after the other payer has paid in the following

                       •  Services covered by automobile medical or no-fault insurance;

                       •  Services rendered during a specified period of up to 30 months to individuals
                          eligible or entitled solely on the basis of end stage renal disease (ESRD) who are
                          insured under an employer group health plan;

                       •  Services rendered to individuals age 65 or over and spouses age 65 or over who
                          are insured under an employer group health plan by virtue of current employment

                       •  Services rendered to individuals under age 65 entitled to Medicare based on
                          disability and have large group health plan coverage based on the individual’s
                          current employment status or the current employment status of a family member;

                       •  Services covered by workers’ compensation.

                   In these cases, the other plan pays primary benefits and if the other plan does not pay the
                   entire bill, secondary Medicare benefits may be payable.  Medicare is also secondary to
                   the extent that a liability insurer has paid for services.
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