Page 2 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 2
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
The word agriculture is derived from the Latin word ager………….its mean soil and cultural means cultivation. Simply
we can say cultivation of soil
Technical definition
It is the science in art of farming including the work of cultivating the soil, producing the crops and raising livestock.
It has two main branches 1. Crops 2. Animals
1. Forestry
2. Crops
1. Fisheries
2. Livestock
Components of agriculture
It has four components
1. Crops 54 %
2. Livestock 41 %
3. Fisheries 4.5 %
4. Forestry .5 %
1. Supply or provide us food and fiber
2. Contributes about 25 % in GDP
3. Agriculture provides raw materials to industries.
4. Agriculture provides 80 % in foreign exchange.
5. 45 % labor force in Pakistan are engaged in agriculture
6. It is backbone of our country.
It is derived from Greek word agro—field Nomo’s –manage—so development and management of
crop and soil sciences to produce abundant high quality food and fibers in a protected
environment. Students who study agronomy are called agronomist.
Causes of low yield in Pakistan
Maize is 70 % less than America and Canada.
Our yield is low because low soil fertility. Our soil is 60 percent deficient in nutrients.