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Bleeding Disorders                                                                                                                             Shalu Rai  et al

      severely  inflamed  tissues,  initial  treatment  with  chlorhexidine   Conclusion
      mouthwashes  and  gross  debridement  is  recommended  to      Dentists  are  facing  an  ever-increasing  number  of
      reduce  tissue  inflammation  before  deep  scaling.  Factor   conditions  —  inherited,  acquired  and  drug-related  —
      replacement  may  be  required  before  extensive  periodontal   associated  with  abnormal  hemostatic  function.  These
      surgery and use of nerve blocks. Periodontal packing materials   raise  the  possibility  of  excessive  blood  loss,  poor
      and  custom  vinyl  mouthguards  (stents)  are  used  to  aid  in   wound  healing  and  infection.  The  dentist  must
      hemostasis  and  protect  the  surgical  site,  but  these  can  be   maintain  clear  and  open  communication  with  the
      dislodged  by  severe  hemorrhage  or  subperiosteal  hematoma   patient  and  his  physician  or  hematologist.  This  will
      formation.  Antifibrinolytic  agents  may  be  incorporated  into   ensure that the dentist obtains complete information on
      periodontal  dressings  for  enhanced  effect.  Post-treatment   the severity and control of the patient’s condition and
      antifibrinolytic   mouthwashes   are   usually   effective   in   advice on management of the patient before and after
      controlling protracted bleeding.                               surgery.

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      Prothrombin  ratio  of  2  to  2.5(  therapeutic  range).  Generally
      higher  INRs  result  in  higher  bleeding  risk  from  surgical
                                                                                    Address for correspondence:
      procedures.  No  surgical  treatment  recommended    INR>  3.5-4
                                                                                         Dr Shalu Rai
      without   coumarin   dose   modification.   Minor   surgical
                                                                             Prof and Head, Oral Medicine and Rdaiology
      procedures;  INR<  3.5-4  without  coumarin  dose  modification.
                                                                                  IDST Dental College, Modinagar
      Extensive  flap  surgery  or  multiple  bony  extraction  requires

                                                                          Journal of Oral Sign 2011, Vol 3, No 2 (May-Aug)
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