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Bleeding Disorders                                                                                                                             Shalu Rai  et al

      Electrosurgery-  Here  heating  occurs  by  induction  from  an   unit of it is administered it raises the platelet count by
      alternating current source. It is used in small arteries where it   7,000-10,000cells per cu mm.
      can  be  applied  after  catching  the  bleeding  point  with  a   Fresh  Frozen  Plasma-  1  Unit  (150ml)  of  FFP  contains
      haemostat.                                                     220 u of factor VIII & IX and 400mg of fibrinogen.
      Cryosurgery-  temperature  ranging  from  -20˚C  to  -180˚C  are   Cryoprecipitate-  It  is  the  only  adequate  fibrinogen
      used  which  causes  cryogenic  necrosis  of  tissues,  capillaries,   concentrate available for intravenous use. A 15 ml vial
      small arteries, venules.                                       contains 100u factor VII, 250mg fibrinogen, factor XIII
      Argon  beam  coagulator-  A  new  form  of  electrocautery  which   &VWF.
      allows  bleeding  to  be  controlled  from  vessels  which  are  less   Adrenochrome Monosemicarbazon And Ethamsylate
      than  3  mm  in  diameter  without  having  to  use  haemostats  or
                                                                         BRAND  NAME          GENERIC NAME OR
      Local measures 1,3,6
                                                                         Gelfoam (Pfizer, Markham,   Absorbant gelatin sponge
      Minimize  trauma  (e.g.,  elective  sectioning  of  difficult      Ont.)                material
      extractions,  limiting  the  number  of  teeth  to  be  removed  at  a   Bleed-X (QAS, Orlando,   Microporous polysaccharide
                                                                         Fla.)                hemispheres
      time depending on the severity of the bleeding defect). Avoid
                                                                         Surgicel (Ethicon, Markham,   Oxidized cellulose
      flaps,  as  they  provide  a  much  greater  bleeding  area  that  is   Ont.)
      harder  to  control  with  local  measures.  Choose  surgical      Tisseel (Baxter, Mississauga,   Fibrin sealant
      techniques  that  permit  easy  access  for  packing,  suturing  and   Ont.)
                                                                         Thrombostat (Pfizer)   Topical thrombin
      cautery.  Strive  to  obtain  primary  surgical  closure.  Remove  all   Cyklokapron (Pfizer)   Tranexamic acid
      granulation tissue from areas of chronic inflammation. Various     Amicar (Wyeth Markham,   Epsilon-aminocaproic acid
      adjuncts to hemostasis can be employed at the surgical site to     Ont.)

      enhance  hemostasis,  aid  in  vascular  closure  and  prevent  clot
      breakdown.                                                                 Table 2: Local hemostatic agents 1,7
      Gelfoam  is  an  absorbable  gelatin  sponge  material  that  holds
      many times its weight in blood and provides a stable “scaffold”   In  patients  with  hemophilia,  additional  postoperative
      for clot formation.                                            factor  maintenance  may  be  required  after  extensive
      Astringents  and  styptics  –  Monsel’s  solution  and  Tannic  acid   surgeries or infusion, DDAVP, cryoprecipitate or fresh
      can  be  used  which  acts  by  precipitating  proteins  and  clot   frozen  plasma  depending  on  the  patient’s  condition.
      formation.  Other  agents  which  can  be  used  are  silver  nitrate,   The patient’s hematologist should be consulted before
      ferric  chloride  and  Mann  hemostatic  (mixture  of  tannic  acid,   planning,  and  patients  with  severe  disease  should  be
      alum  and  chlorobutamol).  Styptic  is  a  substance  used  as  an   treated in specialty centres.
      astringent, often to control bleeding. A chemical styptic induces   Topical  fibrin  glue  can  reduce  the  amount  of  factor
      coagulation  of blood. A cotton pledget used as a compress  to   replacement   needed   when   used   along   with
      control bleeding is a mechanical styptic.                      antifibrinolytic  agents.Fibrin  glue  has  also  been
      Bleed-X  is  a  hemostatic  product  containing  “microporous   effectively  used  in  conjunction  with  other  hemostatic
      polysaccharide  hemispheres”  (potato  starch)  that  dehydrate   agents. 7,8
      blood and accelerate clotting. It can be applied to all types of
      surgical sites, including tooth sockets.                       Periodontal Procedures 1,7-9
      Tisseel  is  a  fibrin  sealant  that  acts  both  through  its  adhesive   Periodontal  health is  of critical importance  in patients
      action and by direct contribution of fibrin to clot formation.   with  bleeding  disorders  as  inflamed  and  hyperemic
      Cyklokapron (tranexamic acid) has also been used successfully   gingival  tissues  are  at  increased  risk  of  bleeding.
      in  the  form  of  a  mouthwash  after  oral  surgical  procedures  to   Periodontitis  may  cause  tooth  mobility  and  warrant
      inhibit postoperative bleeding episodes.                       extraction,  which  may  be  a  complicated  procedure  in
      Other  agents  include  bone  wax,  thrombin,  oxygel,  surgicel,   these  patients.  Patients  with  coagulopathies  may
      fibrin glue, adrenaline                                        neglect their oral health due to fear of bleeding during
                                                                     tooth  brushing  and  flossing,  which  leads  to  increased
      SYSTEMIC AGENTS     1,3,6,7,8                                  gingivitis, periodontitis and caries.
      Whole blood- It contains all the factors for coagulation. It’s used   Periodontal  probing,  supragingival  scaling  and
      when  specific  blood  components  are  not  available.  It’s   polishing  can  be  done  normally  without  the  risk  of
      administered within 24 hrs of its donation.                    significant  bleeding.  Factor  replacement  is  seldom
      Platelet  Rich  Plasma-  derived  from  autologous  blood  and  is   needed for subgingival scaling and root planing if these
      defined  as  a  certain  volume  of  plasma  that  has  a  platelet   procedures   are   done   carefully.   Ultrasonic
      concentration several fold above the physiologic levels. One    instrumentation may result in less tissue trauma. For

                                                                          Journal of Oral Sign 2011, Vol 3, No 2 (May-Aug)
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