Page 435 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 435

INDEX                                                                                         435

                   Linearly independent, 204               Permutation, 170
                   lower triangular, 58                    Permutation matrices, 249
                   Lower triangular matrix, 159            “Perp”, 270
                   Lower unit triangular matrix, 162       Pivot variables, 46
                   LU decomposition, 159                   Pre-image, 288
                                                           Projection, 239
                   Magnitude, see also Length of a vec-
                           tor                             QR decomposition, 265
                   Matrix, 133                             Queen Quandary, 348
                       diagonal of, 138
                                                           Random, 301
                       entries of, 134
                                                           Rank, 295
                   Matrix equation, 25
                                                               column rank, 297
                   Matrix exponential, 144
                                                               row rank, 297
                   Matrix multiplication, 25, 33
                                                           Recursion relation, 349
                   Matrix of a linear transformation, 218
                                                           Reduced row echelon form, 43
                   Minimal spanning set, 209
                                                           Right singular vector, 310
                   Minor, 186
                                                           Row echelon form, 50
                   Multiplicative function, 186
                                                           Row Space, 138
                   Newton’s Principiæ, 346                 Row vector, 134
                   Non-invertible, 150
                                                           Scalar multiplication
                   Non-pivot variables, 46
                                                               n-vectors, 84
                   Nonsingular, 150
                                                           Sign function, 171
                   Norm, see also Length of a vector
                                                           Similar matrices, 247
                   Nullity, 295
                                                           singular, 150
                   Odd permutation, 171                    Singular values, 284
                   Orthogonal, 90, 254                     Skew-symmetric matrix, see Anti-symmetric
                   Orthogonal basis, 255                           matrix
                   Orthogonal complement, 269              Solution set, 65
                   Orthogonal decomposition, 262               set notation, 66
                   Orthogonal matrix, 260                  Span, 198
                   Orthonormal basis, 255                  Square matrices, 143
                   Outer product, 254                      Square matrix, 138
                                                           Standard basis, 217, 220
                   Parallelepiped, 192                         for R , 122
                   Particular solution                     Subspace, 195
                       an example, 67                          notion of, 195
                   Pauli Matrices, 126                     Subspace theorem, 196

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