Page 433 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 433
Action, 389 additive, 101
Angle between vectors, 90 multiplicative, 102
Anti-symmetric matrix, 149 Codomain, 34, 289
Cofactor, 190
Back substitution, 160 Column Space
Base field, 107 concept of, 23, 138
Basis, 213 Column space, 295
concept of, 195 Column vector, 134
example of, 209 of a vector, 126
basis, 117, 118 Components of a vector, 127
Bit matrices, 154 Composition of functions, 26
Bit Matrix, 155 Conic sections, 347
Block matrix, 142 Conjugation, 247
Cramer’s rule, 192
Calculus Superhero, 305 Cross product, 31
Canonical basis, see also Standard ba-
sis, 408 Determinant, 172
Captain Conundrum, 97, 305 2 × 2 matrix, 170
Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 92 3 × 3 matrix, 170
Change of basis, 242 Diagonal matrix, 138
Change of basis matrix, 243 Diagonalizable, 242
Characteristic polynomial, 185, 232, Diagonalization, 241
234 concept of, 230
Closure, 197 Dimension, 213