Page 427 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 427

G.13 Orthonormal Bases and Complements                                                        427

                   (d) Construct an orthonormal basis for R from u and v.
                       If you did part (c) you can probably find 3 orthogonal vectors to make
                       a orthogonal basis. All you need to do to turn this into an orthonormal
                       basis is make these into unit vectors.
                   (e) Test your abstract formulae starting with

                                            u = 1   2  0  and v = 0   1  1 .

                       Try it out, and if you get stuck try drawing a sketch of the vectors you

                   Hint for Review Problem 10

                   This video shows you a way to solve problem 10 that’s different to the method
                   described in the Lecture. The first thing is to think of
                                                               
                                                         1  0  2
                                                 M =   −1  2  0 
                                                        −1  2  2

                   as a set of 3 vectors
                                                                      
                                            0               0              2
                                    v 1 =   −1   ,  v 2 =   2   ,  v 3 =   0   .
                                           −1              −2              2
                   Then you need to remember that we are searching for a decomposition

                                                      M = QR

                   where Q is an orthogonal matrix. Thus the upper triangular matrix R = Q M
                   and Q Q = I. Moreover, orthogonal matrices perform rotations. To see this
                   compare the inner product u v = u v of vectors u and v with that of Qu and
                                   (Qu) (Qv) = (Qu) (Qv) = u Q Qv = u v = u v .
                   Since the dot product doesn’t change, we learn that Q does not change angles
                   or lengths of vectors.
                      Now, here’s an interesting procedure: rotate v 1 , v 2 and v 3 such that v 1 is
                   along the x-axis, v 2 is in the xy-plane. Then if you put these in a matrix you
                   get something of the form
                                                            
                                                      a  b  c
                                                     0  d  e 
                                                      0  0 f
                   which is exactly what we want for R!

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