Page 399 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 399
G.7 Determinants 399
1 λ
S (λ) = . .
So to calculate their determinants, we just have to apply the above list
of what happens to the determinant of a matrix under row operations to the
determinant of the identity. This yields
det E = −1 , det R (λ) = λ , det S (λ) = 1 .
Determinants and Inverses
Lets figure out the relationship between determinants and invertibility. If
we have a system of equations Mx = b and we have the inverse M −1 then if we
multiply on both sides we get x = M −1 Mx = M −1 b. If the inverse exists we
can solve for x and get a solution that looks like a point.
So what could go wrong when we want solve a system of equations and get a
solution that looks like a point? Something would go wrong if we didn’t have
enough equations for example if we were just given
x + y = 1
or maybe, to make this a square matrix M we could write this as
x + y = 1
0 = 0
1 1
The matrix for this would be M = and det(M) = 0. When we compute the
0 0
determinant, this row of all zeros gets multiplied in every term. If instead
we were given redundant equations
x + y = 1
2x + 2y = 2
1 1
The matrix for this would be M = and det(M) = 0. But we know that
2 2
with an elementary row operation, we could replace the second row with a row