Page 395 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 395

G.7 Determinants                                                                              395

                   we could fit these together as a (r + t) × (r + t) square block matrix

                                                        X    Y
                                                 M =              .
                                                         Z  W
                   Matrix multiplication works for blocks just as for matrix entries:

                                     X   Y      X   Y         X + Y Z    XY + Y W
                             M =                         =                       2    .
                                     Z   W      Z   W         ZX + WZ     ZY + W
                   Now lets specialize to the case where the square matrix X has an inverse.
                   Then we can multiply out the following triple product of a lower triangular,
                   a block diagonal and an upper triangular matrix:

                                      I     0     X        0           I  X   Y
                                    ZX −1   I     0   W − ZX  −1 Y     0    I
                                            X        0           I  X   Y
                                       =                −1
                                            Z   W − ZX    Y      0    I

                                                   X            Y
                                          =       −1               −1
                                              ZX    Y + Z  W − ZX    Y

                                                     X   Y
                                                =             = M .
                                                     Z   W
                   This shows that the LDU decomposition given in Section 7.7 is correct.

                   G.7      Determinants

                   Permutation Example

                   Lets try to get the hang of permutations. A permutation is a function which
                   scrambles things. Suppose we had

                      This looks like a function σ that has values

                                        σ(1) = 3, σ(2) = 2, σ(3) = 4, σ(4) = 1 .

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